
Im having trouble with smart content. There are no assets in the smart content pane, CMS is not connected/working and Postgresql will not update/install.Ive just deleted everything as shown in another thread and reinstalled it all. It worked ok for about two days then I started to get white exclamation messages and now smart content has gone blank.I know its not AV or firewall etc as it was working properly. I dont think I could face having to delete/reinstall everything again as I have a lot of assets so just wondering if there is any other way to fix this? Preferably not too technical if possible as Im an old fossil and not overly tech-savvy?
What are your system specifications? Are you using the default locations and settings? What security software do you use, even if you do feel sure it is innocent?
Like Richard says about your default CMS settings, check if they're set to default-
hit the F2 button. When the preference menu comes up, choose the tab at the top called CMS Settings. Make sure you're set at the default location and port as seen in my attachment picture
Ignore the PSP in the path of the screencap, that will be called whatever your user profile name is on your PC
these are my cms setting
Laptop spec
OS Name Microsoft Windows 8.1
Version 6.3.9600 Build 9600
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard
System Model Compaq CQ58 Notebook PC
System Type x64-based PC
System SKU C2B16EA#ABU
Processor AMD E1-1200 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, 1400 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 6.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 5.59 GB
Available Physical Memory 3.27 GB
Total Virtual Memory 11.1 GB
Available Virtual Memory 8.61 GB
Page File Space 5.50 GB
windows defender/firewll
Can you check to see if the firewall is blocking either DS or PostgreSQL? I'm not sure where that would be for the Windows firewall.
Im reasoning that everything was as it should be as far as defaults and security is concerned as the whole thing was workng without any problems. Ive just got windows defender and Daz has permission through, Postgre isnt in there but that may be due to it not being loaded. DIM tries to do it but gets stuck in a loop of reinstalling endlessly
Do you currently have a version of PostgreSQL installed (there can be only one, you may have two or four avaialble depending on whether you have the DS beta in your account and on which bit architectures DIM is showing)?
I would tell him to look inside his database using the PGadmin tool like what I'm doing right now but I can just see you shaking your head in disapproval ;)
Actually, connecting to the database via the PGadmin would at least verify if you can make a connection. Wouldn't harm to try. I've been writing SQL scripts and running them against my database and so far haven't destroyed anything :)
so far...
The problems I had faced earlier with my CMS content that disappeared mysteriously wouldn't have been solved if I hadn't been able to look directly inside my database and saw that the data from my Product table and Content table had been blanked. I'll leave it up to the poster if they'd like to step to the dark side and use the black arts of SQL to investigate their problem. ;)
I have an house elf in the cupboard who is well versed in the black art of database. Ill keep her in reserve... I dont know what I did but Ive managed to get the smart content showing again, albeit with a lot of white exclamations!! I suppose the next ask is... how to fix that?