Failed Installs in DIM and Central

Apologies in advance if I am beating a dead Sleipnir, but I searched the forums and did not find a solution.
I had this issue before the previous patch but it cleared up after the patch was installed to DIM, however it has reared its ugly head again after the latest patch. When I attempt to install any new content, it downloads just fine, however it seems to fail on decompression, or that is what the log file tells me:
2020-09-10 20:43:01.315 Installing: 62395-1 : Cyborg Motorbike
2020-09-10 20:43:01.783 Could not extract file: G:/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Support/DAZ_3D_62395_Cyborg_Motorbike.jpg
2020-09-10 20:43:02.178 Install Failed: Cyborg Motorbike
2020-09-10 20:43:02.180 Install Queue Finished: 0 min 0.8 sec
I extract it just fine in both 7-zip and the default Windows tool. The same issue happened in Central, but I uninstalled it to reduce some headaches. DIM is also installed on the non C:drive, but that has not been an issue over the last few years.
Anyone else have this issue and have a solution?
Thanks in advance
What security software are you using? Can you delete the file G:/Documents/My DAZ 3D Library/Runtime/Support/DAZ_3D_62395_Cyborg_Motorbike.jpg?
I had an install failure recently using DIM recently (with a different product), which I was eventually able to resolve by deleting the downloaded file and re-downloading it. It actually took two redownloads; the first time I redownloaded it it failed again. My archive tool (BetterZip, a Mac program) reported the archive as corrupt. As in your case the problem seemed to be with a texture map JPEG.
I find it hard to believe that DIM is randomly corrupting downloads in transit -- the ability to download files correctly would seem to be a minimum requirement for a download tool -- and I very much hope that my hard disk isn't so screwed up that files are getting corrupted when written. What I wonder is whether there's a caching layer involved (i.e. Cloudflare or something else) and that it's either randomly serving up bad older versions or it's somehow corrupting stuff.
When I have this problem I usually try delete-and-redownload and if that doesn't resolve it then I file a support ticket. But as I say, you may need to redownload more than once before it finally works.
Thanks Fix, that jarred the cranium. The file never fully decompressed so it did not appear in the support folder, nothing to delete.
I use Avast and paused it for 10 minutes to check and see if that was holding things up. I tried the install again, with AV paused, and it worked like a charm. I have since set up an exception for DIM and testing shows me it is working. (Why that did not occur to me is a good sign that I need a vacation, that and my 440hrs of FLP *SMH*)
Oddly, bytes, when I "manually" decompressed the files, there were no corrupted entries. The AV software just wanted to make itself useful and not allow an automated decompression possible. Things are so smart they are stupid, but necessary.
Thanks for the assist, it is appreciated