Need help with making a car look wet and/or applying foam shaders to it

So recently I got the :Iray foam and bubbles" by KindredArts in order to make a car wash scene so I wanted to apply the foam shaders or decals to my car prop but when I do they just don't appear, I've been using daz 3d for a while now so I knew that it would turn out like this, so does any one knows how to use these shaders?
I'm preety sure that there is no read me file avalible for this product.
Also here is a link to the product:
They use Iray decal nodes, so they'll only show up in Iray preview mode or renders. Decals aren't the most intuitive thing to use, but mCasual has a script that makes them face the camera, which will make it easier to position them the way they need to be.