Where is it ???

Platinum members club...has disappeared?

Any ideas folks?


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    "Disappeared" in what respect? I still see the PC forum, and the PC+ tile on the main store page links correctly to the PC+ sales page. 

  • kylumikylumi Posts: 305

    Not on my machine.......PC+ Tile is there....but that wont help me I'm already paid up until next April!!!!

    The actual PC+ forum is missing. 

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Your forum profile doesn't list you as PC member. You'll need to open a support ticket to get that fixed.

  • Did you recently open a Support ticket for a refund, or anything similar? A few years back, there was a store glitch where a lot of people doing that lost their PC+ membership when the Support team issued the refund, and there have been a few posts in the last week or so suggesting the glitch might be flaring up again.

  • kylumikylumi Posts: 305

    This is deffo a Daz issue....I'm still getting my discounts.  No, I havent had any real issues at all of late....but I did issue a ticket a few weeks back about accounting errors that hav eleft me short of products I had previously purchased. I did have issues uploading images yesterday....which I think Chole sorted out.  My account still tells me I'm a member....which I amlaugh


  • kylumikylumi Posts: 305

    AND.......as if by Magic......laugh

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