Shapeshifting / Transformation

Is there a way to have a character, say G8 transform into an animal? For instance the dragon or werewolf.
I tried creating a slider, but it doesn't seem to want to show up for character models, or did I miss a check box?
G8 has been made into a variety of critter shapes. Check out RawArt's store for example.
If you created a morph that transforms a figure as you have described and have created a slider for it, did you save that slider as a morph asset? That is the only way it will "show up" when you go to use it again.
I used this process
I did look at RawArt's store, thanks. The werewolf isnt werewolfy enough. Looking more at Herschel Hoffmeyer's Werewolf.
I will have to go back and make sure I did it right, and loaded it back in properly