Where to get older version?

Hello! I'm sorry to write here too, because getting an answer from tech support seems to take forever. I running into problems after upgrating from DAZ studio 4.10 64bit for Mac to 4.12. I keep getting the error message "Unable to render. No renderer available" Since I don't have Nvidia graphics card, I use CPU. Reinstalling Daz Studio didn't help. Is it possible to have the 4.10 back? I know I made a big mistake that I didn't save the old version before the upgrade. But here I am.
Why this is not possible to have some download links somewhere on this site where people could get older versions of daz studio? I think many would be happy just to get the older version back after they running into problems so that everything would work again. The old version worked just perfectly. Is it possible to download it from some trusted source? I downloaded Daz Studio 4.10 from the internet but I'm afraid to install it because it's a chance to get malware.
No, there's no other source to download older versions.
see there.
I have a older version installed, but no idea how to backup it :D
File a support ticket to Sales dept and ask if they can supply you with the older version. They ar the ones that can, legally (and safely)
Is it possible to make my own private backup of my installed files or would it be better to also ask the support if I ever need it?
Actually I already have this ticket for three days, but I guess I'll have to wait a little longer.
@Loony In windows I would just save the DAZ 3D folder located in C:Proram Files. In Mac it would be Macintosh HD/Applications/DAZ 3D
but from Beginnings of my PC Experience I got the info, that you can not just save a folder, like for a Game, because a .exe will also make Registry entrys and such things, why you need the installer to make that all.
Sorry, mac guy here! But I found the topic: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/4819201/
Back up the zips from the Install Manager package archive - both DS itself and the plug-ins - then if you want to install the older version drop those back in and start DIM choosing to work offline (otherwise it will tell you about the newer version on the servers instead).
The package files arent there anymore :/
I think I deleted all zips one day, because I didnt needed them :D
Think twice before upgrading do you really need it? My example shows the validity of the old saying: if it ain't broke don't fix it!
I never said I wanna Upgrade O_o?
I just asked how to backup my old Version ;)
I have 0.8 for Version 12, atm is 1.x out and some tools make there already problems, so I am happy with my 0.8 Version and do not touch the update.
Loony you can go to your Product Library, in search put something like Daz Studio ... and then manually download the program folder(s) to any location you want to store it on.
but does that not download the newest version?
Yes, that's the newest version.
and with that useless, my Version allows multiple instances, 4.12.1.x does block that!
Sometimes when I am in a render and I have the space left, I open another instance to play with other props.
You can have multiple instances with 4.12.1.x, you just don't open them in the same way.
How then? I just open it from my start button in windows ;) or the desktop icon.
Run the script attached to this post, it will generate a command string which you can then paste into a new shortcut/alias for launching an additional instance of DS (or can just launch a new isntance directly), https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/5112696/#Comment_5112696
When I never upgrade then I will never need it, I just hope I dont have to upgrade :<
Did hear from too much bugs.