I didn't feel a jab there Jindi. I have just gotten use to a particular search engine offering corrected spelling, that I often stump with my horrible typing skills, lol. "Daz3d Aelf" offers nothing at the moment. lol
Incredibly forgiving shader set. I was looking at how many squares at the top of the scale-cube that were pure white, and the more adjusted lights, still looks over all the same.
MN-150374 has been unjustly ignored the past week, sorry. http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/#galleries/91638/
A few more lux-bals showing off the DG Shader Essentials were added. Here is two that I am particularity fond of. Black Marble (Gneiss), and Chery wood. A beautiful Metamorphic Rock if I may say, and that red wood is just perfect for trim-work and stuff.
As Fisty points out in the wright-up of a few shaders, different render engines treat different surfaces, differently. So it is not just Poser vs Daz3d, Luxrender vs 3Delight are vastly different. I am quite impressed with how close the two look in renders.
The adjustments for the necklace are quite extensive, and the zones are as you can see, far beyond a lot of other items I've come across. Here with a mix of Wool Felted, and metals (Both map and ray-trace).
The GIS Nova set is dressed up a tad, with “DG Silver Satin1” (Center pipes), “DG Black Marble2” on the walls, and “DG Cherry Wood1” on the wall supports. I was going to put that there for a comparison to the Lux-balls above, tho the lighting is a tad dark back there, and I kind of got a tad excited about that necklace.
MN-150374 has been unjustly ignored the past week, sorry. http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/#galleries/91638/
A few more lux-bals showing off the DG Shader Essentials were added. Here is two that I am particularity fond of. Black Marble (Gneiss), and Chery wood. A beautiful Metamorphic Rock if I may say, and that red wood is just perfect for trim-work and stuff.
You´ve posted very beautiful renders with the new Fisty Shaders. Don´t worry, MN is doing well and there is no need to apologize. :-)
Note that all the DGSE Luxballs are translated by the Luxus AutoConversion. While they turned out very nice, I guess there can be some settings altered to get even better results in LuxRender. The Environment Map in this set was not the best choice. Compared to others I did before this map is nice as an addition but not impressive as the only light source.
I didn't feel a jab there Jindi. I have just gotten use to a particular search engine offering corrected spelling, that I often stump with my horrible typing skills, lol. "Daz3d Aelf" offers nothing at the moment. lol
Nah, I just get paranoid about how things come across in forums, I love Fisty's product and didn't want it to seem like I was getting hung up on the creative and very unusual name. :)
Maggie's looking great there. I love how the hairband looks with the new shader. I've been busy redoing dresses, but now I'm going to have some fun with that Scarf Braid Hair (I don't have the one you showed here).
That is a wonderful example Jindi, http://www.daz3d.com/forums/viewreply/752129/
I like how the outfits work with all the layers. The pants are not going threw the shirt, the shirt is not going threw the coat, etc. I've found that some clothing items don't have any expand morphs for such layering, and had to just go with what works.
As for names, well who can forget 'Xiao Mei' (would you like to buy a vowel, lol). The sound and spelling in modern English is so unique, it makes for a very unique and memorable product name. So I will continue to poke fun at the truncated 'Alf' abbreviation of the AElflaed’s Fancy - Shaders. My first glance at the name, I thought of a sound akin to 'Alfred' until I realized the extra letters in there. Perhaps, that 'AE' just slipped by me completely as a single character because of my Deutsche preschool days. That or I've been listening to too much ERA the past few months. lol.
ERA is a New Age music project by French composer Eric Lévi. They use lyrics which although similar to Greek or Latin are in fact deliberately devoid of any exact meaning. OMG, ZDG was listening to something not produced by himself, or Thomas Bergersen or Nick Phoenix, lol.
Maggie disclaimer. Maggie is a rather aged figure, that I guess has been around a while. She dose NOT have separate body and head sliders (Just a single one for everything). She is also not in the Smart tab yet, so using her requires the complicated process of loading G2F, then using the CL to get the mats and figure shape loaded onto G2F. "O" and her only set of mats take over a minute and a few seconds for the preprocess (Render START delay) stage of rendering (Not as good a FW Eve, tho not anywhere near as bad as a few others I wont use at all). http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/40092/
Hmm, whom else is in that screen-cap. Wachiwi, Eve, and V6. That was a long time ago.
I took the rest of last night off to look at all the bump-maps I had made over the past few months, and to do some quick test renders with them set to rather high tile settings (over two map pixels per render pixel). Again looking at how the patrons extreme fine details get dithered up in the process. I clearly have some organizing of the maps ahead of me, as there not exactly named well (I have weaves labeled as Lace, etc).
Words I stumped the spell check with on this post, lol. wonderful, separate, preprocess . lol
MN-150374 has been unjustly ignored the past week, sorry. http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/#galleries/91638/
A few more lux-bals showing off the DG Shader Essentials were added. Here is two that I am particularity fond of. Black Marble (Gneiss), and Chery wood. A beautiful Metamorphic Rock if I may say, and that red wood is just perfect for trim-work and stuff.
You´ve posted very beautiful renders with the new Fisty Shaders. Don´t worry, MN is doing well and there is no need to apologize. :-)
Note that all the DGSE Luxballs are translated by the Luxus AutoConversion. While they turned out very nice, I guess there can be some settings altered to get even better results in LuxRender. The Environment Map in this set was not the best choice. Compared to others I did before this map is nice as an addition but not impressive as the only light source. That has been a cause for a second thought about LuxRender. Daz Studio comes with 3delight, and a collection of basic lights that can be set up as a baseline test chamber setup, that can easily be copied by others to (in a scientific way) duplicate the tests and get consistent results. AKA my ZDG test chamber. Dz Lights, Omni Ober Area Lights (Uber Panels), and UE2. http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/47738/
I can't easily do the same with LuxRender, as the preferred lights are them "IES lights". They either must be scavenged from light manufacturers, and none of them are the same (if they can be found at all after a year or so), or there special purchased products that are not free. IF, I am going to make a ZDG test chamber to verify things in (Color scale cube, mirror sphere, and all), it must, >MUST<, use lights that are Free and available to any one, so they can duplicate the tests. That pretty much puts the demand on me to make my own custom '<strong>Photo Neutral' IES lights, and make them Open Domain in spite of any other user agreements regarding the IES technology.
It's bad enough that a few people have posted renders showing off things, and when asked about the lights, they had no idea where they came from. That pretty much removed all confidence I had with testing stuff in LuxRender, and the accuracy of how the items would look in my renders.
So in all honesty. Between Dynamix OptiTex stuff, Shader fun, and still learning Daz Studio Basics. Luxus is not that high on my must get this going list. I do poke around on occasion, and follow the threads. I just have not had the time to try to send a scene from Daz Studio to LuxRender yet. I know from Bluebird 3D's vids (Luxus Pro Training), that it will not be a five minute (let me see this work) first time trial run.
A thought I should mirror, transfer the talks about to, and bring to light in the Luxus thread. Seeing as it seams rather quiet at the moment. http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/49674/
As for the LuxBalls and shader tests, yes that I am eager to discuss and share how to make stuff cross-platform compatible. knowing full well, that any endorsement by me, will require duplicatable results that I have yet to fully look into. That is why I have not mentioned AElflaed's shaders in luxus yet, I have yet to even try, and don't know IF it would even work at all or be a waste of others time trying, yet.
OK, rants and random thoughts aside. Hello Ziva :coolhmm: http://www.daz3d.com/ziva-for-aiko-6
A bit of the Goth this time, before fussing with shaders. I just had to share this test render. Dose she have a more affectionate side, yes. Dose she have a fierce side that makes Darth Maul check his drawers, hell yes. This time it's somewhere in between I guess, lol.
MN-150374 has been unjustly ignored the past week, sorry. http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/#galleries/91638/
A few more lux-bals showing off the DG Shader Essentials were added. Here is two that I am particularity fond of. Black Marble (Gneiss), and Chery wood. A beautiful Metamorphic Rock if I may say, and that red wood is just perfect for trim-work and stuff.
You´ve posted very beautiful renders with the new Fisty Shaders. Don´t worry, MN is doing well and there is no need to apologize. :-)
Note that all the DGSE Luxballs are translated by the Luxus AutoConversion. While they turned out very nice, I guess there can be some settings altered to get even better results in LuxRender. The Environment Map in this set was not the best choice. Compared to others I did before this map is nice as an addition but not impressive as the only light source.
That has been a cause for a second thought about LuxRender. Daz Studio comes with 3delight, and a collection of basic lights that can be set up as a baseline test chamber setup, that can easily be copied by others to (in a scientific way) duplicate the tests and get consistent results. AKA my ZDG test chamber. Dz Lights, Omni Ober Area Lights (Uber Panels), and UE2. http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/47738/
I can't easily do the same with LuxRender, as the preferred lights are them "IES lights". They either must be scavenged from light manufacturers, and none of them are the same (if they can be found at all after a year or so), or there special purchased products that are not free. IF, I am going to make a ZDG test chamber to verify things in (Color scale cube, mirror sphere, and all), it must, >MUST<, use lights that are Free and available to any one, so they can duplicate the tests. That pretty much puts the demand on me to make my own custom '<strong>Photo Neutral' IES lights, and make them Open Domain in spite of any other user agreements regarding the IES technology.
It's bad enough that a few people have posted renders showing off things, and when asked about the lights, they had no idea where they came from. That pretty much removed all confidence I had with testing stuff in LuxRender, and the accuracy of how the items would look in my renders.
So in all honesty. Between Dynamix OptiTex stuff, Shader fun, and still learning Daz Studio Basics. Luxus is not that high on my must get this going list. I do poke around on occasion, and follow the threads. I just have not had the time to try to send a scene from Daz Studio to LuxRender yet. I know from Bluebird 3D's vids (Luxus Pro Training), that it will not be a five minute (let me see this work) first time trial run.
A thought I should mirror, transfer the talks about to, and bring to light in the Luxus thread. Seeing as it seams rather quiet at the moment. http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/49674/
As for the LuxBalls and shader tests, yes that I am eager to discuss and share how to make stuff cross-platform compatible. knowing full well, that any endorsement by me, will require duplicatable results that I have yet to fully look into. That is why I have not mentioned AElflaed's shaders in luxus yet, I have yet to even try, and don't know IF it would even work at all or be a waste of others time trying, yet.
ZDG, a lot of points and I don´t know where to start. :-)
First of all, I´m learning this stuff myself. While my Luxball Gallery is somehow an addition to the step by step guide I have written. It is baisicly a collection of my test renders because I wanted to know how things turn out in LuxRender. And it is the main point that everyone who folowed the step by step guide should be able to reproduce the results.
I´ve started with the basic shaders that come with Luxus. Those are made only for LuxRender and they don´t work in 3Delight.
Than proceeded with Inane Glorys Lights and Lamps Shaders that have the Luxus specific materials. Those shaders are made for both render engines, 3Delight and LuxRender. Same thing with Destinys Gardens Shader Essentials 2.
Now heres the thing, that might be a bit confusing. If a shader has Luxus Materials included, they are independent from the 3Delight setup. That means you can alter the Luxus Materials but this will not affect the 3Delight specific settings. And the other way around, if you alter the 3Delight settings, that will not affect the Luxus settings.
The Destinys Garden Shader Essentials 1 are made for 3Delight and there are no LuxRender specific settings included, but it is mentioned in the product description that most of them are work fine in LuxRender with no adjustments, let the Luxus AutoConversion take care of everything. Now I can confirm this statement. Most of them work fine! :)
I couldn´t make the Glass Shaders work in LuxRender the way I aspect Glass in LuxRender. But I think thats a matter of personal taste.
Like I said before I´m learning this stuff myself and I will take a closer look at the Glass Shaders when my skills have improved. :-)
And you can convert DAZ Studio Primitives and each surface of a prop into Light Source.
Both methods to create a LuxRender Light source with Luxus are described in this post: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/48550/P15/#715044
If you look up the screenshots in the next post in that walkthrough thread, you will see that the Luxball Scene is by default only lit with three DAZ Primitve Planes. There are no IES profiles needed. To use IES profiles is a nice gadget. But it is not necessary.
Same thing with the LuxRender Infinite Light and HDRI files as an Environment Map. It is the equivalent to the UE2 in 3Delight.
You can use Environment Maps but it is not necessary.
Scene sharing is possible, besides the LuxBall Scene, SphericLabs used the Dragon Slayer Ready-to-Render Scene in his Luxus promo images. By request he made the scene available in this post: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/18543/P225/#273912
By the way I like your test chamber and the things your testing out with it. And I think it will work fine in LuxRender. If you set up the Lights and Materials correctly, the Luxrender specific settings will not affect the 3Delight specific settings.
I think I was confusing IES as HDRI in my memory of posts in that other thread, lol. IES is a pain, and not user adjustable (according to SpottedKitty). HDRI is pointless in a test room with no outdoor windows, so the UE2 bounce light need not be translated.
That leaves luxus settings for the Dz Spot lights, and the Uber Area lights. If the DG essentials 1 shaders translated that well with the auto thing, then diffuse and opacity maps on the Daz Default shader (the TDK panels on the walls) should be perfectly fine as is. It's the polished Hematite tile floor that I have doubts about. I killed any gloss at all, and went strictly with reflection. I recall somewhere that the gloss slider controls reflection in LuxRender, not the reflection slider (Or was that only with Reality's Auto convert thing)?
Mitchel vs Sinc pixel filter? Mitchel has a nasty habit of putting black around white lines, and vice verse. Sinc is a better filter in that regard, tho requires more CPU power.
nine-thousand samples per pixel :ohh:
3delight can get some really good results with a sample rate of just 0.1 (that's only ten samples per pixel, IF I understand that at all). In fact, quite a few test renders posted in this thread, was only done at 0.25 (just four samples per pixel). I don't need more unless there is a mirror involved. Why dose LuxRender need to recalculate each pixel so many times?
"O" I appreciate the "This setting in studio, is this setting in LuxRender" screen-caps you made, incredibly helpful. If only My brain was not so information-overloaded at this point, lol.
In closing for the night, morning, whatever time it is, lol. Here is the latest AElflaed’s Fancy fun. The metal and shews have not been touched yet on Ziva, yet.
In Luxrender a render is never finshed, it will run forever unless you stop it.
:red: Well, if you are reffering to the first Glass Luxball with the 9k samples. It need some practice to know when a render will clear up after time. Or if the light set is just screwed and the render will never clean up. :P
Last one was wrong with the first Glassball scene. :-)
Most of the Luxballs in the gallery are rendered to 3-4K samples.
Here is my quick rebuild of the Test Chamber. :-)
First image is the 3Delight Render. The Luxball is scaled to 200%. Applied a DGSE2 Marble Shader to the outer sphere.
While the rest of the Luxball has the basic Luxus Glass2 Preset applied and this will not work in 3Delight.
Second image is the Luxus AutoConversion of the Test Chamber. The Floor is translated as a Matte Material with no reflections. The only thing I had to do was to bring down the DAZ Studio Specular Color to a dark grey (RGB 50/50/50). Remember this one: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/49674/P135/#739654
Pure white specular (255/255/255) will blow away all the textures.
In the third image the floor was labeled as a Glossy Material. In Luxus the glossiness can be adjusted with the roughness value.
As you can see in the last one, there we have some more reflections by lowering the roughness.
In all images the DZLights are Luxrender SpotLights. The area lights are LuxRender Null Materials with Light Parameters. And as you mentioned, the UE2 light will have no effect in a closed room and was not translated.
Oh I like Ziva a lot, how did I miss her? She has a striking look. Is that her on G2F rather than Aiko? She looks different from the store promos but I like what you've done with her.
I remember ERA, used to listen to them quite a bit.
For working with layered clothing, I find if the morphs don't solve all the problems then the push modifier can be a real help. It comes out all puffy but you can then dial it down.
That is Ziva straight out of the 'Smart Tab'... Good ketch, I did alter her a bit. Aiko6 body down to 0.25 from 1.0, and Olympia body up to 0.25 from zero. Aiko6 head down to 0.5 from 1.0, Ops, sorry about that.
There we go, a good one for the making of the G suit2 Leotard. two things to do tonight now. :coolsmile:
my last ERA craze was back in 2008, with there 'Reborn' album, along with 'The Mass' :coolsmile:
I got that 9kS/P thing from other comments in that thread with the walk-threw. Is that black polished Hematite tiles on the floor :-)
The floor at 0.01 roughness is perfect. The lights appear a tad over exposed on the cube. judging by the scale in the shadow of the Luxball, the front-left-lower key-light may need to be dropped a tad more. the back rear light possibly as well.
The concept is that the upper two giant panel lights give the majority of the light in the room, and the three spots add some details (as needed for the figure). The lower front panel, was to mimic light bouncing off the floor, it can probably be dialed way back, I'll need to look once I figure out the light conversion thing.
Thanks for the hint about Specular (3delight dose it a tad different, Specular can be used to specify where on a surface is reflective). So some adjustments will be needed to get them both to work better across both render engines, tho not impossible. Very encouraging example renders MN-150374, thanks.
This is where I got the idea, a TDK RF testing chamber, with a metallic floor for a different type of testing. Same idea (40x40ft room, 20ft ceiling currently, eventually >much< bigger) http://www.tdk.co.jp/teaah01/aah32000.htm
Ziva all stock, is on the right, and Ziva with less Aiko6 on the Left (settings in former post). This is also showing the "G-suit 2 HD" as a Leotard. I'll dice up and label the screen-caps after voting in the RRRR contest.
That's interesting to see. I like the one on the left. She has a good, strong face that gives her an eye-catching, unusual look. Nothing wrong with the character as she was designed, this is fine work by a talented vendor, just that I think she stands out less from the crowd.
Yea, I think that was an experiment with going less Aiko6 and more real person looking, and than I confused the scene subset.
So, G-suit 2 HD, as a Leotard. Lets start with selecting surfaces, and something I discovers the past month working with testing that shader. I was looking at the screen as I was selecting groups of vases to clear out, and my hand hit the 'Ctrl' key instead of the shift by accident.
When you hold the shift as you click surfaces in that side tab, Studio highlights and selects everything in between.
The Ctrl key, will only highlight the items selected. This is cool, as you can highlight just the parts of the G-suit2 that you want a particular texture on, and only load the texture once from whatever tab it is in. instead of going back and forth for each zone.
One more cool trick. If you click that top item in the surface pain (GSuit2) in my screen-cap, Studio will select ALL the surfaces on that item.
Here is a screen-cap of the zones, that are visible for this adaption of the G-suit2.
OK, now we have something almost looking like it's real, it just needs some wrinkles (Folds), lol.
I have discovered that if the upper and lower arm folds are cranked up to high, there will be some poke-threw on the inside of the elbow, with the arm bent. That is why I am not setting these to 100% here. The value is up to you, and more then likely will be different depending on the pose the figure is in.
Also, because bringing up a saved scene, doesn't always levee smoothing on, when you had it on before, It may be good to check that on occasion, if things are poking threw allot.
It may be desired to go into that "Brestspans" category, and try some of the sliders there for your figure, just to get the Gsuit2 to not be so clingy between the breasts. That is completely up to your tastes, and what figure you have the thing on.
Textures and Shadows. Turning shadows on, will make a lot of textures look a tad better. The Gsuit2 has that off by default to speed up renders, and understandably so for what it was meant for. The Gsuit2 dose not need to cast shadows onto the body, if it is completely covering the person, we are not doing that here, and it adds to the realism of the sleeve cuffs, and neck collar appearance.
odd, spikes on the shoulders. Well, I had that happen with Ziva. There is an "Expand All" slider under 'Adjustments', that when raised seamed to fix that for the particular body shape.
And to finish it off, You can save the surface settings as a "Material Preset", and there you go. The selection window for that allows you to save the entire thing as a complete item, Or you could save just the surfaces with the texture, or just the surfaces that are invisible. You'll need to look at the list in the former post to select the correct surfaces for that (or take notes if your doing something slightly different)
The morph adjustment (Furnishings and Folds), I've yet to look into saving, tho I'm sure it's possible as well, so you can load them on to any figure you have the G-suit2 on.
Thanks Fisty. The thought crossed my mind, tho I am thinking that if that is not done right, when you try to load the wrinkles and 'Finishings' preset you saved from one figure, onto a different one, lol. The gsuit2 may try to conform to the shape of the first figure, instead of the one it is on. lol.
The last time I fussed with a shape-preset that I recall, was when I was fussing with that failed attempt figure. the one with the glowing staffs and the triangle-mirrors-skirt. I recall trying to save just the head shape, and getting other things in the save unintentionally, lol
There you go. And that dose work for just the wrinkles, thanks Fisty.
Admittedly, my body is revolting at the mere thought of being awake and coherent, and it looks like a bad storm will be rolling threw tomorrow, lol. Stay warm and dry y'all.
So I used the AElflaed’s Wool Felted black, because I like how the texture looks. Like a really high quality cotton of sorts (CK, French Connection, etc), Remember, just because a PA made a texture for one thing, dose NOT imply it will never work for anything else.
Tho there is nothing keeping you from using a different shader, like the DG Essentials Stone %-P It's still a Superhero suit of sorts, why not?
We just had a little storm roll threw, Juno. And some may remember that little lake outside FW Eve's window, lol. Here is the View, as of this morning, as the last of the clouds roll past.
I hope everyone else is well. I still have some snow to move. "O" 18 inches turned out to be 29 inches, plus drifts, lol.
Still a tad sour from shoveling all week long, and have many things going on.
I just got an 'Invoice' Friday night from my hosting company for my site, that I had not planed nor was informed about. Something I think a few others on the forum with there own sites can appreciate, lol. I had budgeted a tad more then the usual 'Quarterly' fee for this month, and being the end of the month, there is no wiggle room left. The surprise announcement in the form of a bill, is a shift from quarterly, to a lump-sum yearly fee. I'm sure, like many small businesses, that kind of a shift, is not exactly going to be easy to swing without forewarning in advance. Lol. I suspect that they will be flooded with pleas for negotiations on Monday. I simply need to hold out till Tuesday to pay that in full, lol. As for the lack of forewarning at the beginning of the month, when I had the ability to adjust the room in the budget, I'll just leave that for >Constructive< criticism later. I've been with them since 2009, and have no intention to be anywhere else.
As for other things, well I know this is probably a complete giveaway (almost complete) of what I have in mind for the RRRR entry. I'm just incredibly happy with how the 'Anomaly' worked out. The really good looking one in the test chamber was stopped after two hours of crunching (Progressive render), as it was not going to be done any time soon. I replaced the ray-trace reflection with a map borrowed from “Dusk to Dawn 2”, and that sped it up drastically, keeping the refraction ray-traced to work in the room. I'm still fussing with the colors and stuff with the 'Anomaly'. I kind of messed up the Opacity with my fiddling.
On that note, I thought the 'Locker room' had a set of light presets, guess not. This was attempted with the Omni light shader applied to the light bulbs. It could have been better, I'll try a few other options with that. And I still need to turn Lee6pro into a 'Connor Temple' of sorts, lol.
So much to do, so little time.
OK, Anomaly fixed, the grainy lights is going to cause me gray hairs, lol. Much more to look into I guess.
Just fooling around a bit.
LY Gwenifer, Oona Hair, Flirty Summer Skirt, Loissandra Fantasykini, Ballerina Outfit (slippers).
I could have done much better with the lights on her face, perhaps later on I'll look at that. Speaking of lights, the backdrop is a tiny crumb of the Aurora at Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station Antarctica (Chris Danals, National Science Foundation).
http://www.daz3d.com/elven-fantasy-outfit-for-genesis-2-female-s (anklets and arm bands as well) http://www.daz3d.com/isolabella-jewels (Bracelets)
Everything above is using color options it came with. The skirt and shoes are using the Aelflead's shaders. A mix of lace and non-lace bands on the skirt, felt waistband. http://www.daz3d.com/ghawazee-coat-for-genesis-2-female-s http://www.daz3d.com/aelflaed-s-fancy-shaders-for-ds-and-poser
"O" and another backdrop from Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, :coolsmile: (this time, Sven Lidstrom / National Science Foundation)
I think I have just used every single EmmaAndJordi outfit item I have with these two renders. Guess I'll just see how the next one fills out, lol.
(EDIT 06feb2015 before-coffee)
Ear-to-ear smile (_001009a), Progresive Render.
added pic - Tilted head lesser smile (_001012c09), SR 0.2, XY filters at 8x8 3Delight render.
That is really beautiful! I knew there was a reason to put that many matzones in a skirt. (I actually just bought myself a skirt very similar to that)
Thanks, and thanks. yea, that is one to try to remove the snarl from the smile somehow, and do at OMG settings. I didn't even get a good shot of the Butterflies, the one that's visible almost looks like a medical symbol at that angle, lol.
I guess some things, are much more difficult then others, lol. I think I folded up the polygons on the upper lip, that was not there before.
I broke it, lol.
I wanted to get to testing Bibi tonight, instead I spent all this time fussing with that failed 'Glowing Smile', and them [expletive] grainy shadows in that other render. Try As I did, I can not reproduce them speckles in the test chamber, ugh. Time to toss this on the back burner for a few, I'm tired.
I didn't feel a jab there Jindi. I have just gotten use to a particular search engine offering corrected spelling, that I often stump with my horrible typing skills, lol. "Daz3d Aelf" offers nothing at the moment. lol
Incredibly forgiving shader set. I was looking at how many squares at the top of the scale-cube that were pure white, and the more adjusted lights, still looks over all the same.
MN-150374 has been unjustly ignored the past week, sorry.
A few more lux-bals showing off the DG Shader Essentials were added. Here is two that I am particularity fond of. Black Marble (Gneiss), and Chery wood. A beautiful Metamorphic Rock if I may say, and that red wood is just perfect for trim-work and stuff.
As Fisty points out in the wright-up of a few shaders, different render engines treat different surfaces, differently. So it is not just Poser vs Daz3d, Luxrender vs 3Delight are vastly different. I am quite impressed with how close the two look in renders.
(Renders by MN-150374)
Every now and then, you find a joule in your collection.
The adjustments for the necklace are quite extensive, and the zones are as you can see, far beyond a lot of other items I've come across. Here with a mix of Wool Felted, and metals (Both map and ray-trace).
The GIS Nova set is dressed up a tad, with “DG Silver Satin1” (Center pipes), “DG Black Marble2” on the walls, and “DG Cherry Wood1” on the wall supports. I was going to put that there for a comparison to the Lux-balls above, tho the lighting is a tad dark back there, and I kind of got a tad excited about that necklace.
The Head band, shirt, and Necklace are all done up with the Aelflaed's Shaders. The shirt is by Wilmap, and the hair is "Renesmel Hair".
"O" and Maggie, well, she is Maggie :coolsmile:
You´ve posted very beautiful renders with the new Fisty Shaders. Don´t worry, MN is doing well and there is no need to apologize. :-)
Note that all the DGSE Luxballs are translated by the Luxus AutoConversion. While they turned out very nice, I guess there can be some settings altered to get even better results in LuxRender. The Environment Map in this set was not the best choice. Compared to others I did before this map is nice as an addition but not impressive as the only light source.
Nah, I just get paranoid about how things come across in forums, I love Fisty's product and didn't want it to seem like I was getting hung up on the creative and very unusual name. :)
Maggie's looking great there. I love how the hairband looks with the new shader. I've been busy redoing dresses, but now I'm going to have some fun with that Scarf Braid Hair (I don't have the one you showed here).
No worries =)
That is a wonderful example Jindi, http://www.daz3d.com/forums/viewreply/752129/
I like how the outfits work with all the layers. The pants are not going threw the shirt, the shirt is not going threw the coat, etc. I've found that some clothing items don't have any expand morphs for such layering, and had to just go with what works.
As for names, well who can forget 'Xiao Mei' (would you like to buy a vowel, lol). The sound and spelling in modern English is so unique, it makes for a very unique and memorable product name. So I will continue to poke fun at the truncated 'Alf' abbreviation of the AElflaed’s Fancy - Shaders. My first glance at the name, I thought of a sound akin to 'Alfred' until I realized the extra letters in there. Perhaps, that 'AE' just slipped by me completely as a single character because of my Deutsche preschool days. That or I've been listening to too much ERA the past few months. lol.
ERA is a New Age music project by French composer Eric Lévi. They use lyrics which although similar to Greek or Latin are in fact deliberately devoid of any exact meaning. OMG, ZDG was listening to something not produced by himself, or Thomas Bergersen or Nick Phoenix, lol.
Maggie disclaimer. Maggie is a rather aged figure, that I guess has been around a while. She dose NOT have separate body and head sliders (Just a single one for everything). She is also not in the Smart tab yet, so using her requires the complicated process of loading G2F, then using the CL to get the mats and figure shape loaded onto G2F. "O" and her only set of mats take over a minute and a few seconds for the preprocess (Render START delay) stage of rendering (Not as good a FW Eve, tho not anywhere near as bad as a few others I wont use at all).
Hmm, whom else is in that screen-cap. Wachiwi, Eve, and V6. That was a long time ago.
I took the rest of last night off to look at all the bump-maps I had made over the past few months, and to do some quick test renders with them set to rather high tile settings (over two map pixels per render pixel). Again looking at how the patrons extreme fine details get dithered up in the process. I clearly have some organizing of the maps ahead of me, as there not exactly named well (I have weaves labeled as Lace, etc).
Words I stumped the spell check with on this post, lol. wonderful, separate, preprocess . lol
You´ve posted very beautiful renders with the new Fisty Shaders. Don´t worry, MN is doing well and there is no need to apologize. :-)
Note that all the DGSE Luxballs are translated by the Luxus AutoConversion. While they turned out very nice, I guess there can be some settings altered to get even better results in LuxRender. The Environment Map in this set was not the best choice. Compared to others I did before this map is nice as an addition but not impressive as the only light source. That has been a cause for a second thought about LuxRender. Daz Studio comes with 3delight, and a collection of basic lights that can be set up as a baseline test chamber setup, that can easily be copied by others to (in a scientific way) duplicate the tests and get consistent results. AKA my ZDG test chamber. Dz Lights, Omni Ober Area Lights (Uber Panels), and UE2.
I can't easily do the same with LuxRender, as the preferred lights are them "IES lights". They either must be scavenged from light manufacturers, and none of them are the same (if they can be found at all after a year or so), or there special purchased products that are not free. IF, I am going to make a ZDG test chamber to verify things in (Color scale cube, mirror sphere, and all), it must, >MUST<, use lights that are Free and available to any one, so they can duplicate the tests. That pretty much puts the demand on me to make my own custom '<strong>Photo Neutral' IES lights, and make them Open Domain in spite of any other user agreements regarding the IES technology.
It's bad enough that a few people have posted renders showing off things, and when asked about the lights, they had no idea where they came from. That pretty much removed all confidence I had with testing stuff in LuxRender, and the accuracy of how the items would look in my renders.
So in all honesty. Between Dynamix OptiTex stuff, Shader fun, and still learning Daz Studio Basics. Luxus is not that high on my must get this going list. I do poke around on occasion, and follow the threads. I just have not had the time to try to send a scene from Daz Studio to LuxRender yet. I know from Bluebird 3D's vids (Luxus Pro Training), that it will not be a five minute (let me see this work) first time trial run.
A thought I should mirror, transfer the talks about to, and bring to light in the Luxus thread. Seeing as it seams rather quiet at the moment.
As for the LuxBalls and shader tests, yes that I am eager to discuss and share how to make stuff cross-platform compatible. knowing full well, that any endorsement by me, will require duplicatable results that I have yet to fully look into. That is why I have not mentioned AElflaed's shaders in luxus yet, I have yet to even try, and don't know IF it would even work at all or be a waste of others time trying, yet.
OK, rants and random thoughts aside. Hello Ziva :coolhmm:
A bit of the Goth this time, before fussing with shaders. I just had to share this test render. Dose she have a more affectionate side, yes. Dose she have a fierce side that makes Darth Maul check his drawers, hell yes. This time it's somewhere in between I guess, lol.
Some what hidden https://www.daz3d.com/downloader/customer/files#prod_20737
all three necklaces are from that "Lady Edwina Jewels For Any Figure" set.
We've met Maggie, and well FW Eve for once is not dealing with broken stuff, lol.
I can't easily do the same with LuxRender, as the preferred lights are them "IES lights". They either must be scavenged from light manufacturers, and none of them are the same (if they can be found at all after a year or so), or there special purchased products that are not free. IF, I am going to make a ZDG test chamber to verify things in (Color scale cube, mirror sphere, and all), it must, >MUST<, use lights that are Free and available to any one, so they can duplicate the tests. That pretty much puts the demand on me to make my own custom '<strong>Photo Neutral' IES lights, and make them Open Domain in spite of any other user agreements regarding the IES technology.
It's bad enough that a few people have posted renders showing off things, and when asked about the lights, they had no idea where they came from. That pretty much removed all confidence I had with testing stuff in LuxRender, and the accuracy of how the items would look in my renders.
So in all honesty. Between Dynamix OptiTex stuff, Shader fun, and still learning Daz Studio Basics. Luxus is not that high on my must get this going list. I do poke around on occasion, and follow the threads. I just have not had the time to try to send a scene from Daz Studio to LuxRender yet. I know from Bluebird 3D's vids (Luxus Pro Training), that it will not be a five minute (let me see this work) first time trial run.
A thought I should mirror, transfer the talks about to, and bring to light in the Luxus thread. Seeing as it seams rather quiet at the moment.
As for the LuxBalls and shader tests, yes that I am eager to discuss and share how to make stuff cross-platform compatible. knowing full well, that any endorsement by me, will require duplicatable results that I have yet to fully look into. That is why I have not mentioned AElflaed's shaders in luxus yet, I have yet to even try, and don't know IF it would even work at all or be a waste of others time trying, yet.
ZDG, a lot of points and I don´t know where to start. :-)
First of all, I´m learning this stuff myself. While my Luxball Gallery is somehow an addition to the step by step guide I have written. It is baisicly a collection of my test renders because I wanted to know how things turn out in LuxRender. And it is the main point that everyone who folowed the step by step guide should be able to reproduce the results.
I´ve started with the basic shaders that come with Luxus. Those are made only for LuxRender and they don´t work in 3Delight.
Than proceeded with Inane Glorys Lights and Lamps Shaders that have the Luxus specific materials. Those shaders are made for both render engines, 3Delight and LuxRender. Same thing with Destinys Gardens Shader Essentials 2.
Now heres the thing, that might be a bit confusing. If a shader has Luxus Materials included, they are independent from the 3Delight setup. That means you can alter the Luxus Materials but this will not affect the 3Delight specific settings. And the other way around, if you alter the 3Delight settings, that will not affect the Luxus settings.
The Destinys Garden Shader Essentials 1 are made for 3Delight and there are no LuxRender specific settings included, but it is mentioned in the product description that most of them are work fine in LuxRender with no adjustments, let the Luxus AutoConversion take care of everything. Now I can confirm this statement. Most of them work fine! :)
I couldn´t make the Glass Shaders work in LuxRender the way I aspect Glass in LuxRender. But I think thats a matter of personal taste.
Like I said before I´m learning this stuff myself and I will take a closer look at the Glass Shaders when my skills have improved. :-)
As far as Luxus Lights goes, you can convert all the DAZ Lights to each LuxRender Light described in the LuxRender Wiki:
And you can convert DAZ Studio Primitives and each surface of a prop into Light Source.
Both methods to create a LuxRender Light source with Luxus are described in this post: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/48550/P15/#715044
If you look up the screenshots in the next post in that walkthrough thread, you will see that the Luxball Scene is by default only lit with three DAZ Primitve Planes. There are no IES profiles needed. To use IES profiles is a nice gadget. But it is not necessary.
Same thing with the LuxRender Infinite Light and HDRI files as an Environment Map. It is the equivalent to the UE2 in 3Delight.
You can use Environment Maps but it is not necessary.
Scene sharing is possible, besides the LuxBall Scene, SphericLabs used the Dragon Slayer Ready-to-Render Scene in his Luxus promo images. By request he made the scene available in this post: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/18543/P225/#273912
By the way I like your test chamber and the things your testing out with it. And I think it will work fine in LuxRender. If you set up the Lights and Materials correctly, the Luxrender specific settings will not affect the 3Delight specific settings.
Edit: Hello Ziva, nice to meet you! :)
I think I was confusing IES as HDRI in my memory of posts in that other thread, lol. IES is a pain, and not user adjustable (according to SpottedKitty). HDRI is pointless in a test room with no outdoor windows, so the UE2 bounce light need not be translated.
That leaves luxus settings for the Dz Spot lights, and the Uber Area lights. If the DG essentials 1 shaders translated that well with the auto thing, then diffuse and opacity maps on the Daz Default shader (the TDK panels on the walls) should be perfectly fine as is. It's the polished Hematite tile floor that I have doubts about. I killed any gloss at all, and went strictly with reflection. I recall somewhere that the gloss slider controls reflection in LuxRender, not the reflection slider (Or was that only with Reality's Auto convert thing)?
Mitchel vs Sinc pixel filter? Mitchel has a nasty habit of putting black around white lines, and vice verse. Sinc is a better filter in that regard, tho requires more CPU power.
nine-thousand samples per pixel :ohh:
3delight can get some really good results with a sample rate of just 0.1 (that's only ten samples per pixel, IF I understand that at all). In fact, quite a few test renders posted in this thread, was only done at 0.25 (just four samples per pixel). I don't need more unless there is a mirror involved. Why dose LuxRender need to recalculate each pixel so many times?
"O" I appreciate the "This setting in studio, is this setting in LuxRender" screen-caps you made, incredibly helpful. If only My brain was not so information-overloaded at this point, lol.
In closing for the night, morning, whatever time it is, lol. Here is the latest AElflaed’s Fancy fun. The metal and shews have not been touched yet on Ziva, yet.
In Luxrender a render is never finshed, it will run forever unless you stop it.
:red: Well, if you are reffering to the first Glass Luxball with the 9k samples. It need some practice to know when a render will clear up after time. Or if the light set is just screwed and the render will never clean up. :P
Last one was wrong with the first Glassball scene. :-)
Most of the Luxballs in the gallery are rendered to 3-4K samples.
Here is my quick rebuild of the Test Chamber. :-)
First image is the 3Delight Render. The Luxball is scaled to 200%. Applied a DGSE2 Marble Shader to the outer sphere.
While the rest of the Luxball has the basic Luxus Glass2 Preset applied and this will not work in 3Delight.
Second image is the Luxus AutoConversion of the Test Chamber. The Floor is translated as a Matte Material with no reflections. The only thing I had to do was to bring down the DAZ Studio Specular Color to a dark grey (RGB 50/50/50). Remember this one: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/49674/P135/#739654
Pure white specular (255/255/255) will blow away all the textures.
In the third image the floor was labeled as a Glossy Material. In Luxus the glossiness can be adjusted with the roughness value.
As you can see in the last one, there we have some more reflections by lowering the roughness.
In all images the DZLights are Luxrender SpotLights. The area lights are LuxRender Null Materials with Light Parameters. And as you mentioned, the UE2 light will have no effect in a closed room and was not translated.
Oh I like Ziva a lot, how did I miss her? She has a striking look. Is that her on G2F rather than Aiko? She looks different from the store promos but I like what you've done with her.
I remember ERA, used to listen to them quite a bit.
For working with layered clothing, I find if the morphs don't solve all the problems then the push modifier can be a real help. It comes out all puffy but you can then dial it down.
That is Ziva straight out of the 'Smart Tab'... Good ketch, I did alter her a bit. Aiko6 body down to 0.25 from 1.0, and Olympia body up to 0.25 from zero. Aiko6 head down to 0.5 from 1.0, Ops, sorry about that.
There we go, a good one for the making of the G suit2 Leotard. two things to do tonight now. :coolsmile:
my last ERA craze was back in 2008, with there 'Reborn' album, along with 'The Mass' :coolsmile:
I got that 9kS/P thing from other comments in that thread with the walk-threw. Is that black polished Hematite tiles on the floor :-)
The floor at 0.01 roughness is perfect. The lights appear a tad over exposed on the cube. judging by the scale in the shadow of the Luxball, the front-left-lower key-light may need to be dropped a tad more. the back rear light possibly as well.
The concept is that the upper two giant panel lights give the majority of the light in the room, and the three spots add some details (as needed for the figure). The lower front panel, was to mimic light bouncing off the floor, it can probably be dialed way back, I'll need to look once I figure out the light conversion thing.
Thanks for the hint about Specular (3delight dose it a tad different, Specular can be used to specify where on a surface is reflective). So some adjustments will be needed to get them both to work better across both render engines, tho not impossible. Very encouraging example renders MN-150374, thanks.
This is where I got the idea, a TDK RF testing chamber, with a metallic floor for a different type of testing. Same idea (40x40ft room, 20ft ceiling currently, eventually >much< bigger)
OK, real quick, as I sift threw the RRRR entries.
Ziva all stock, is on the right, and Ziva with less Aiko6 on the Left (settings in former post). This is also showing the "G-suit 2 HD" as a Leotard. I'll dice up and label the screen-caps after voting in the RRRR contest.
That's interesting to see. I like the one on the left. She has a good, strong face that gives her an eye-catching, unusual look. Nothing wrong with the character as she was designed, this is fine work by a talented vendor, just that I think she stands out less from the crowd.
Yea, I think that was an experiment with going less Aiko6 and more real person looking, and than I confused the scene subset.
So, G-suit 2 HD, as a Leotard. Lets start with selecting surfaces, and something I discovers the past month working with testing that shader. I was looking at the screen as I was selecting groups of vases to clear out, and my hand hit the 'Ctrl' key instead of the shift by accident.
When you hold the shift as you click surfaces in that side tab, Studio highlights and selects everything in between.
The Ctrl key, will only highlight the items selected. This is cool, as you can highlight just the parts of the G-suit2 that you want a particular texture on, and only load the texture once from whatever tab it is in. instead of going back and forth for each zone.
One more cool trick. If you click that top item in the surface pain (GSuit2) in my screen-cap, Studio will select ALL the surfaces on that item.
Here is a screen-cap of the zones, that are visible for this adaption of the G-suit2.
Now for that collar, lower edge, and cuff, wrinkle effect. A "Finishings".
OK, now we have something almost looking like it's real, it just needs some wrinkles (Folds), lol.
I have discovered that if the upper and lower arm folds are cranked up to high, there will be some poke-threw on the inside of the elbow, with the arm bent. That is why I am not setting these to 100% here. The value is up to you, and more then likely will be different depending on the pose the figure is in.
Also, because bringing up a saved scene, doesn't always levee smoothing on, when you had it on before, It may be good to check that on occasion, if things are poking threw allot.
And some finishing touches.
It may be desired to go into that "Brestspans" category, and try some of the sliders there for your figure, just to get the Gsuit2 to not be so clingy between the breasts. That is completely up to your tastes, and what figure you have the thing on.
Textures and Shadows. Turning shadows on, will make a lot of textures look a tad better. The Gsuit2 has that off by default to speed up renders, and understandably so for what it was meant for. The Gsuit2 dose not need to cast shadows onto the body, if it is completely covering the person, we are not doing that here, and it adds to the realism of the sleeve cuffs, and neck collar appearance.
odd, spikes on the shoulders. Well, I had that happen with Ziva. There is an "Expand All" slider under 'Adjustments', that when raised seamed to fix that for the particular body shape.
And to finish it off, You can save the surface settings as a "Material Preset", and there you go. The selection window for that allows you to save the entire thing as a complete item, Or you could save just the surfaces with the texture, or just the surfaces that are invisible. You'll need to look at the list in the former post to select the correct surfaces for that (or take notes if your doing something slightly different)
The morph adjustment (Furnishings and Folds), I've yet to look into saving, tho I'm sure it's possible as well, so you can load them on to any figure you have the G-suit2 on.
file->save as->shape preset
Thanks Fisty. The thought crossed my mind, tho I am thinking that if that is not done right, when you try to load the wrinkles and 'Finishings' preset you saved from one figure, onto a different one, lol. The gsuit2 may try to conform to the shape of the first figure, instead of the one it is on. lol.
The last time I fussed with a shape-preset that I recall, was when I was fussing with that failed attempt figure. the one with the glowing staffs and the triangle-mirrors-skirt. I recall trying to save just the head shape, and getting other things in the save unintentionally, lol
There you go. And that dose work for just the wrinkles, thanks Fisty.
Admittedly, my body is revolting at the mere thought of being awake and coherent, and it looks like a bad storm will be rolling threw tomorrow, lol. Stay warm and dry y'all.
So I used the AElflaed’s Wool Felted black, because I like how the texture looks. Like a really high quality cotton of sorts (CK, French Connection, etc), Remember, just because a PA made a texture for one thing, dose NOT imply it will never work for anything else.
Tho there is nothing keeping you from using a different shader, like the DG Essentials Stone %-P It's still a Superhero suit of sorts, why not?
We just had a little storm roll threw, Juno. And some may remember that little lake outside FW Eve's window, lol. Here is the View, as of this morning, as the last of the clouds roll past.
I hope everyone else is well. I still have some snow to move. "O" 18 inches turned out to be 29 inches, plus drifts, lol.
Beautiful Images! May I ask, where did you get this snow shader? :-)
Just kidding, glad to here the Blizzard caused no demage to your Mission Control Center. ;-)
lol, thanks MN-150374.
Still a tad sour from shoveling all week long, and have many things going on.
I just got an 'Invoice' Friday night from my hosting company for my site, that I had not planed nor was informed about. Something I think a few others on the forum with there own sites can appreciate, lol. I had budgeted a tad more then the usual 'Quarterly' fee for this month, and being the end of the month, there is no wiggle room left. The surprise announcement in the form of a bill, is a shift from quarterly, to a lump-sum yearly fee. I'm sure, like many small businesses, that kind of a shift, is not exactly going to be easy to swing without forewarning in advance. Lol. I suspect that they will be flooded with pleas for negotiations on Monday. I simply need to hold out till Tuesday to pay that in full, lol. As for the lack of forewarning at the beginning of the month, when I had the ability to adjust the room in the budget, I'll just leave that for >Constructive< criticism later. I've been with them since 2009, and have no intention to be anywhere else.
As for other things, well I know this is probably a complete giveaway (almost complete) of what I have in mind for the RRRR entry. I'm just incredibly happy with how the 'Anomaly' worked out. The really good looking one in the test chamber was stopped after two hours of crunching (Progressive render), as it was not going to be done any time soon. I replaced the ray-trace reflection with a map borrowed from “Dusk to Dawn 2”, and that sped it up drastically, keeping the refraction ray-traced to work in the room. I'm still fussing with the colors and stuff with the 'Anomaly'. I kind of messed up the Opacity with my fiddling.
On that note, I thought the 'Locker room' had a set of light presets, guess not. This was attempted with the Omni light shader applied to the light bulbs. It could have been better, I'll try a few other options with that. And I still need to turn Lee6pro into a 'Connor Temple' of sorts, lol.
So much to do, so little time.
OK, Anomaly fixed, the grainy lights is going to cause me gray hairs, lol. Much more to look into I guess.
Just fooling around a bit.
LY Gwenifer, Oona Hair, Flirty Summer Skirt, Loissandra Fantasykini, Ballerina Outfit (slippers).
I could have done much better with the lights on her face, perhaps later on I'll look at that. Speaking of lights, the backdrop is a tiny crumb of the Aurora at Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station Antarctica (Chris Danals, National Science Foundation).
Lots to jot notes on here, lol.
LY Lennox all stock except EJ Lluvia Elf Ears at 50%
http://www.daz3d.com/solange-hair-and-hair-combs (silver butterflies)
I probably could tune back the elf-ears a tad, and I just gave up on the smile after fussing with it for a few hours.
http://www.daz3d.com/elven-fantasy-outfit-for-genesis-2-female-s (anklets and arm bands as well)
http://www.daz3d.com/isolabella-jewels (Bracelets)
Everything above is using color options it came with. The skirt and shoes are using the Aelflead's shaders. A mix of lace and non-lace bands on the skirt, felt waistband.
"O" and another backdrop from Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, :coolsmile: (this time, Sven Lidstrom / National Science Foundation)
I think I have just used every single EmmaAndJordi outfit item I have with these two renders. Guess I'll just see how the next one fills out, lol.
(EDIT 06feb2015 before-coffee)
Ear-to-ear smile (_001009a), Progresive Render.
added pic - Tilted head lesser smile (_001012c09), SR 0.2, XY filters at 8x8 3Delight render.
That is really beautiful! I knew there was a reason to put that many matzones in a skirt. (I actually just bought myself a skirt very similar to that)
I guess some things, are much more difficult then others, lol. I think I folded up the polygons on the upper lip, that was not there before.
I broke it, lol.
I wanted to get to testing Bibi tonight, instead I spent all this time fussing with that failed 'Glowing Smile', and them [expletive] grainy shadows in that other render. Try As I did, I can not reproduce them speckles in the test chamber, ugh. Time to toss this on the back burner for a few, I'm tired.