Dforce Magnet Help

Hey everybody, I've tried asking before and never got any answers, so I'm going to make this more general: is there anybody who has successfully used Dforce Magnet? And would you be willing to answer a few questions? Thanks in advance.
hey sorry I read your previous post but wasn't sure about your issue, I have used the dForce magnet before sucessfully.
not sure if you are doing so already but I believe you will need to use an animated timline simulation for the magnet to have any effect, as the tip/point of the handle automatically snaps to the vertex you used to create the magnet at the start of the simulation.
edit: I put this together testing it again, not sure if it'll help you
In my experience, the tip of the magnet did not line up with the selected vertex. It was weird.
also, I found I had to change the magnet's resistence to stretch and sheer in order to keep it from distorting during simulation.