How do I fix a hair issue?

It happens with diffent hairs and models but I get lines on the forhead of the models. When it happens, I will use a different hair or swap out the model to fix
Just wondering if there is something I can do other than switching the hair or model out out?
Hair I am dealing with is Messy braided tails. Model is P3D Aria.

743 x 597 - 63K
That issue is usually caused by the hair cap intersecting with the figure's head.
The fix is to make the hair cap a bit bigger so they don't intersect anymore, for example scaling it a few % larger, using a push modifier or dformer, or with morphs if there's one for that.
The fixes for that:
1) make sure the figure is close to 0,0,0, the farther things get from 0,0,0 the more kinds of issues like that happen, and get worse the farther away it goes
2) under render settins>optimization,set instancing optimization from auto to speed
3) look for morphs in the hair piece that push the hair scalp geometry away from the head mesh, mesh grabber to pull it a bit out from the head should work if there are none
Thank you
Also, try making sure EVERY surface in the scene... every surface... is using iray materials. This can be done by selecting all the objects in the scene, then expanding the "surfaces" for all the items to highlight all the material zones, and applying the "iray uber base" shader. You usually don't have to worry about textures being changed when you do this (at least I haven't), although you can hold down the CTRL if you want when you apply the shader.
I had similar issues with these black tears on the forehead... and discovered that if an errand old prop, vehicle, or accessory was still using 3Delight or poser materials (basically non-iray materials) while mostly everything else in the scene was using iray materials; this would happen. Applying the uber shader to make sure every material zone in the scene is iray seemed to make them go away for me, without having to change skullcaps, changing render settings, or moving the figure.
@gripper4hire "making sure EVERY surface in the scene... every surface "
That may work for you but is not an optimum solution. It runs a real risk of overwriting existing Iray shader characteristics for items oin the scene. It's also much more tedious than just exapnding the hiar cap a bit.
Hair drives me crazy and I have so many issues with hair. Sometimes I get the black lines...others do not render (Sara and that ponytail style) I get the lines when i use say Georgia hair and use a different hair morph color (as the Georgia black hair never seems to come out right) as for the Sara and ponytail style ...when I purchased Sara a while back and noticed it did not render and tech support just left me with my boxers flapping in the wind) I stopped using it. Then one day I tried the Jolina color for the ponytail and BAM it renders. I went back and loaded Sara and tried the Jolina color and that rendered too (it has some minor issues but at least I'm able to use the Sara hair now. A issue not resolved by Tech support but by my own creativity.
To get rid of the black lines I just have to go in and physically take the lines out. Its a pain but less of a headahe than dealing with Tech support.
Hi I have this all the time, just select the hair in your scene tab, then in parameters go to "adjust" and there in the dials you usually find one called "head size" now dial that up until the haircap fits the head. You can usually see this better when you put the "preview" of your scene on "smoothed". Vendors usually put their adjustment morphs there, so its usefull to have a look at that when a certain hairdo or outfit is not fitting. Hope this helps you out :)