More Egyptian, Pirate, and old West backgrounds

The Egyptian Heiroglyphics product filled a big need, but it seems that Daz will come out with lots of characters, and lots of costumes and props, but very few sets.  Sure I know there are some old pyramid sets and a few temple sets, but not that many.  And the same goes for pirate and old western sets.  A few years ago there was this amazing one in the store for about 20-30 minutes and then it disappeared.  I just wish for every bundle they would have 3 or 4 back ground sets as add-ons. There are tons of outerspace, Zombie, Jungle, castle and China sets, but very few that match the bundles that they are releasing.



  • Have you seen these?

    I don't have either set  myself but, if they're anything like Stefan's usual standard, they should be well worth your money. 



  • Yes I have them both and several others  I just want more variety. It seems there is a new space ship interior set every other week. and I get that.  I like that. But I would like the same for each set of characters especially when they release 3 or 4 bundles of the same type.  Thank you for your suggestions though.  The wild west set especially was very good. Temple of Anubus, Temple of Sand, Ancient prophecies are all good too.

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