Sienna HD Leg Corruption when Kneeling

I was working with this model:
When setting her to pose in a kneeling position, her left leg becomes corrupted. See images. It specifically happens when bending her shin.
Any thoughts on how that's happened?

Corruption 1.jpg
965 x 1654 - 490K

Corruption 2.jpg
1249 x 1701 - 510K
I found the problem.
The Flex Quad Left morph was set to 1300%.
I'm not sure how that could've happened. Any thoughts on how it happened would be appreciated!
Does it happen again if you try with a fresh load of the figure in a new scene?
I found these under the Genesis 8 base character install paths:
data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Base Flexions\pJCMFlexQuad_L.dsf
data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Base Flexions\pJCMFlexQuad_R.dsf
data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Base Flexions\pJCMFlexQuad_L.dsf
data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Male\Morphs\DAZ 3D\Base Flexions\pJCMFlexQuad_R.dsf
Do these JCM morphs suddenly get activated for some unknown reasons?
JCM get dialed in as the controlling joint is moved.
No, it does NOT happen with a fresh load of the character.
But even resetting the character didn't help.
Why do you think it would go that crazy? 1300% seems unnecessary.
Just curious! :)
There's JCM flex morphs for the left and right leg. Assuming all things equal, why is only the left leg going crazy? Did somebody copy over the right morph file to the left, and forgot to edit the values?
I did some experimentation but I could not replicate the problem with a fresh scene. Chalk it up to a weird bug I guess?
I'll say this, I showed my wife the screenies above and she was horrified :)
I would make sure you didn't save any pose files while the flex quad morph was activated. It's possible that a bad value can be saved to file, so whenever you load the pose again, the bad value comes back like a nasty virus that was backed up.