Confusing Parameter

I have here a confusing parameter setting:
I want to set 50% as max, but now I see use Limits is checked, but then is there a <?> = it counts multiple things in. Also it should show as percent, but the values in the settings arent %.
AND.... thats not the first time that a parameter have a (2) in the name, even when it is just 1x aviable.
Also the info under it shows that.
Any idea why this is?
What do you have selected? If there are multiple things selected which have a parameter with the same name then DS might be trying to consolidate the parameters.
No, I just have 1 Lab Coat selected, which have a open/close morph I just wanted to set the max value correct for closing.
the (2): in front of Front_Close, means that you do have two morphs with the same name and they are both selected. You have to separate them first.
but... its just one O_O
I checked hidden morphs and there are a lot in hidden.
Its this product:
On the Parameters tab, right-click and go to Preferences. On the sub-menu, click Consolidate Parameters to uncheck it. The "(2): Front_Close" means there are two morphs with the same name. They might be the same, they might do different things. It could be intentional, it could be an error. If they do different things, then you can rename one of them to better describe the action. Maybe one is opening high, the other low, or one opens a little, the other opens more. Either way, they must be "unconsolidated" to be able to edit each one separately.
Rightclick preferences didnt worked, but I could simply uncheck the consol.. thing.
Changed to 50% max on the lower one and it worked :)
Interesting, didnt knowed that I can see more! I always thought its all inside "hidden" :)