Map Project question

cyberjymcyberjym Posts: 33
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

Hey There!

I've been sporadically working on a custom d&d fantasy world over the last few years, and I'm trying to get back to making a 3d model of it.

The planet is several times larger than earth but has elements in place to make its gravity earth approximate.

Right now, im just trying to model a small section of it, a 4000x3000 mile map called an overrealm.

Inside Bryce I've made an x 40000 y 800 z 30000 base map layer

I'm planning on making additional layers for forest, snow and special area bumps

I'm trying to make a tree layer for this map using a copy of the base map layer and cutting away the non tree areas in a paint program, then raising the map to approximate tree height.

My question, what texture options could i use that would look like trees in this mapping attempt, if i want to view it in scaled first person?

I want to be able to "walk" though the woods.

I have a texture that nearly works enough, but its "treetops" are hovering, and i would like treetrunks to run down to the ground from them.

Thanks for any help.

2000 x 1390 - 780K
2000 x 1500 - 4M
2000 x 2000 - 1002K
2000 x 1294 - 1M


  • cyberjymcyberjym Posts: 33
    edited December 1969

    Well, I got close, but it looks like I'll have to go another route.

    The tree layer i made out of a volumetric material look functional above, but are clearly separate and trunkless at first person level.

    If only there was a way to make the bands it creates closer... oh well.

    1434 x 997 - 571K
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    1434 x 997 - 1000K
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