FBM Expand does nothing

LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817


I have this sometimes at some products, the FBM Expand sliders does nothing, why is that so?

In this case its for this :


The socks.

I assume, "no Sub Components" is already wrong?

There are even 2.

Post edited by Loony on


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    "no subcomponents" simply means it's a parameter for a single morph, not a dial which controls several morphs.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    Leana said:

    "no subcomponents" simply means it's a parameter for a single morph, not a dial which controls several morphs.

    but why does it not work? Its like I said not the first product with this problem, I have that really much times.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    No idea. I don't have the product so I can't test it.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    A conforming item might have built-in morphs that were prepared to match various morphs of the target figure. If an item's morph matches one on the target figure, it will follow the target figure morph control, and not respond to dial settings on the item itself, if they are even visible. The whole point of having conforming items is to follow the figure to which it is fit without having to adjust every morph on every face group to make it fit better. However, sometimes manual adjustment is needed in certain circumstances, or just to cover future requirements that are unknown to the artist at the time. The Socks and HighTops will follow any morphs to the foot and lower leg when they are dialed in on Genesis 8. If you look at the hidden morphs, every time you adjust a new morph that could affect the conforming items (refresh the view by moving away from the item then go back to it), those same morphs are added to the item. This is how auto-follow works.

    In this case, for the Socks, the ExpandAll and FBMExpandAll actually do nothing because there is nothing in the morph file, just a definition of the parameter controller. Compare to the Male version, where the ExpandAll morph actually works on the socks, because there is data in the morph file. So, I would say it is an error in the product to have no ExpandAll adjustment possible for the female version of the Socks. The FBMExpandAll is redundant, probably intended to be used, but it wasn't.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited September 2020

    A lot Text xD.... for me was the important info in the last 2 lines :D

    But I am sure more skilled (and better understanding people) are happy about your explaining!

    So when I have this bug, then the PA did just not create the FBM correct, so... is it hard to fix it?

    I just discovered I can add a push modifier, BUT it makes sadly also clothes much thicker. :(



    But thanks for explaining it me (not that I understand all :< )

    Post edited by Loony on
  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Easy to fix? I'll let someone fluent in morph answer that part. The PA should answer whether it is a design decision or not. Seeing as how the auto-follow feature works well, I don't see how you would need more than that. Even so, add a smoothing modifier, or get out your Mesh Grabber for spot fixes.

    Note: In the image you provided, the shoes you have are not ones that come with the product. The socks are not full socks that cover the whole foot. The proper shoes (the HighTops) cover that part of the ankle/shin right up to the socks, so you would not see the pokethrough anyway.

  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817

    Yeah, I just tested if the socks would fill the gab between shoes and pants and saw the FBM and then I tested it and realized it doesnt work ;)...

    But it could be possible to move them down, but I used the socks from our newest Artist Mac3 something (I am bad with names).

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,407
    edited September 2020

    I generally just ignore those 'expand all' morphs. They tend to have started existence from an autogenerated morph when first made. There are a couple of other morphs that can end up in packages too. Same deal. I tend to remove them before redistributing my files.

    Sometimes you will find morphs that do 'nothing' and they must be kept because they are really doing something. They are preventing the clothing from making a change when a morph by the same name is used in the figure. That is what NorthOf45 was explaining.

    I don't have that product.

    One day maybe you will decide to try Hexagon again ;-)

    {Have just the figure and the socks and shoes, socks and shoes parented to the figure, send the figure over the bridge to Hexagon. Then in D/S select the socks. In Hexagon 'freeze/lock' the figure and the shoes. Select the socks, then select the faces of the sock that you want brought out of the figure. {helps to toggle on transparency so can select through all mesh} Have soft select on {just a little bit}. And use the resizer cube [centre of the manipulator] and stretch them larger. Then with the socks selected send it back over the bridge to D/S and make the morph [reverse deformations]. If like, save morph: File > Save As > Support Asset > morph.}

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • LoonyLoony Posts: 1,817
    edited September 2020

    "One day maybe you will decide to try Hexagon again ;-)"

    I dont think so xD Daz3d, the forums, THE SHOPS O_O and yeah that all is eating my time already, sometimes I manage to watch 20mins on netflix or even 40mins, and sometimes I am happy when I can play a game and sometimes... maybe I even manage to eat xD

    Learning Blender, hexagon, zbrush etc. will just eat more of my time ;(

    But thanks for the explaining.

    Post edited by Loony on
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