Sticky clothes in dforce

I've been experimenting with dforce clothing (ready made dforce clothing) and I'm trying to work out what I need to edit to change a specific behaviour.
Example: I have an item of clothing that has a floppy lower half but seems quite rigid around the torso as if it is glued to the breasts/ribs. If the character's pose involves leaning forward or sideways, some parts of the clothing fall/hang away from the body but others do not, it stays rigidly in place glued to the chest.
Is there a way to release/change these sticking points on the character's body?
I don't think this relates only to the surfaces options, such as 'friction', 'bend', 'shear', etc. There are separate 'surface' elements for the top and bottom half of the dress but all of these 'surface settings' appear to be exactly the same for both. Specifically I would like to know which tool/option I need to use/edit to 'unstick' the clothing from the character where it is held in place.
I thought it might be weight mapping but I have so far been unable to make a difference. I don't know if weight mapping is even the correct tool for the job but I had to start somewhere.
Look at page 34 of this thread for a visual depiction of how dForce surface parameters affect draping.