Question about product compatibility with DS 4.7

I need to know if this product works with DS 4.7 please?
Post edited by MilosGulan on
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I need to know if this product works with DS 4.7 please?
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G8 doesn't work with 4.7 IIRC. Beyond that who knows.
"G8 doesn't work with 4.7"
Not sure what you are referring to, Ken, but Genesis 8 should work fine with DAZ Studio 4.7. Insofar as the plugin goes, that may be an entirely different matter - I don't have it so I cannot say.
G8 is labeled as not working below 4.8.
G8 has problems with versions older than 4.9.4, some features are not supported. Form memory there are at least problems with eyelashes (not loading automatically and not working with hierarchical materials I think), and autofit doesn't work properly for G8 as the code needed to handle the switch to A pose is not present. There might be more that I have forgotten.
And of course none of the Iray materials will apply since 4.7 doesn't have Iray.
I am interested mostly in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 and maybe a bit in Genesis 3. I just need to know if it will work with DS 4.7, script that is. For example this one is not working in DS 4.7 which I use on my old desktop I also have new version of DS 4.12 on my lap top but I don't use it that much that is why I am asking.
And yes DS 4.7 is last version before Iray so I need to convert iray to 3delight and I got it done with free conversion tool found in freebie area here on the forum. Just finished with conversion of Silverhorn Fotress and expansion, they work great now, I needed to do some things manualy but it is good and it means I will be able to use Iray products too with it... There are commercial products for that but ... I hope I will get them eventualy.
This seems like a great tool, I was lately considering to get this but now this new version could be better:
Very unlikely. This is a script-based product, so the main functionality will be an encrypted script. These will not work with a release earlier than what the script was created on; something this new was probably created on 4.11 or (slightly possible) 4.10.
I agree. I just tried SimTenero's Randomizer in 4.7 and it's a no go.
Ok, thank You very much! I think I will wait till I get a better computer then