Manual Install Issue

The Manual Install is not working for me...(please see attched).

Please help!

LAMH2 Iray Catalyzer.jpg
564 x 511 - 194K


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    Those links on the product page are not links to the download files but to pages which explain what DazCentral, Connect and DIM are, it's normal there's no link on the "Manual Install" tag.

  • kylumikylumi Posts: 305

    I want to manually download the files and install them myself for this particular how can I do it???

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    You need to go to the "Product library" page of that item.

    You can either go to "My account" then "Product library" and search for that item, or if you look at the product page for something you own there should be an icon near the wishlist button to go there directly.

    243 x 78 - 2K
  • kylumikylumi Posts: 305

    Thank you Leana.....I will check that out wink

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