Converting G1 Female UV to G3M

Hi all,
I have this set which works on the G1 Female Base UV and I want to convert it to work on G3Male.
Seems that most convertors do not include the G1 base UV. Any suggestions?
Since you have it, I would first recommend that you put it on Genesis to see what the UV actually is. There wasn't a single Genesis UV, there were several.
In general, the base female UV for Genesis 1 was identical to Victoria 4 UV by design. However, Catgirl says it's based on Hitomi shape, which may or may not mean that she uses Hitomi UV (if there was one) or that she has her own UV, which several unique characters did.
Assuming that she does use Victoria 4 UV, there are a couple of approaches.
For the first, you would need to use Map Transfer and a Legacy UV product. The Legacy UV product uses geografts to get around how the remap moved things. You'd need to do a full map transfer first to switch it to the default male UV for Genesis 1, which would be the Michael 4 UV. Map Transfer is part of Studio itself, so that first step is something you can do without buying anything; I *think* there may be a tutorial on that in the forum. Once you did that, you'd need to put the textures onto Genesis in the proper place, and save the result as a materials preset. Then you would need this:
Approach 2: If Catgirl Genesis does use the Victoria 4 UV, you can also use the Texture Transformer 2 product from Renderosity, along with the V4-G3F addon; if you get them when they're at full price, the combination runs close to $80. The advantage is that at the end of the process, you would have the texture fully remapped to Genesis 3 Female. At that point, you'd need one additional product from here: would let you use a G3F texture on a male without doing another map transfer.
Unfortunately, there's no simple way to get from where you start to where you want end up, and if Catgirl has her own UV or the Hitomi UV, it may be so difficult that it can't easily be done at all.
Thanks so much Vwrangler!
This product uses the Genesis 1 female base UV. I tried all other UV's... V4, M4, David5, Mike5, Vicki5 and they all cause the stripes to get misaligned all over.
I'll see if I can use your MAP Transfer idea making the G1 Female Base to Mike4or V4 and see if I can go from there with one of G3M's legacy converted UV;s.
Thanks so much!!
The DS Map Transfer utility did the trick!
There's a tiny offset on the thigh-hip, but I think that's more due to the Gen4 UV seams and can be easily fixed in photoshop post-render.
Thanks again Vwrangler!!