G8F - Transparent Holes in facial skin/inner mouth (DAZ Studio - SSS Mode Mono)

I've been working on updating the same model for over a year now, as it is a likeness of one of my friends. I finally got the shape of her head to be natual enough for me to render what is hopefully the final draft of a lip sync animation - 512 frames long. However, an issue is cropping up that was never present in any of my other renders - there are now holes in random locations of the face texture, also affecting the inside of her mouth (which also looks a little too red, now that I'm staring at it).
I have seen other threads on this issue, and the general advice was to set SSS mode on the skin to Mono. Mine already is. If this is the case, it's often chalked up to DAZ Studio being too old and this being an internal bug.. I hope version 4.12 is new enough, but I could update if needed. If all else fails, the advice is then often just to open the image in Photoshop and patch the holes... but mine is an animation. I do not really desire to edit 512 images individially only to find something off about the movement and have to repeat the process over again.
So, is anyone here experienced enough with DAZ to possibly pinpoint where this recently-appearing anomaly lies, and thus narrow down how to fix it? I will mention that even though this character is using Genesis 8 Female as a base, I am using N.G.S. Anagenessis for more natural looking skin tones, and Ultra Detailed Displacement Maps for Genesis 3 Base Female for the subtler finer details, such as the lines in the lips. There is a chance the issue may have occurred from the application of one of these. Does anyone know where to start looking?
It is interesting to note that only the face appears to be affected. All other limbs do not show any visible holes in any frames I've looked at.
(NOTE: Final Render will be in 16:9 and transparent. Attached image only has colored background to demonstrate the "holes" are in fact, holes, and not specs of gloss.)
Edit: I believe I've determined the issue. I've had limbs below the frame of this scene hidden to speed up render times. However, it was also causing conflicts with SSS. I've re-enabled visibiltiy for the pelvis and thighs, and the issue seems to be gone.