Unreal Engine 4.26 preview is out!!!



it will change his "old physicx system which they new "chaos system" to replace/improve stuffs like physic simulation, a new "full body Ik solver and many others new stuffs!!!!.


  • "Animation and Characters Updates:

    • Fullbody IK Node (Experimental). For users who need to procedurally modify character poses at runtime, the Fullbody IK solver has been added. Based on Jacobian Pseduoinverse Damped Least Squares, the Fullbody IK Control Rig node has additional properties for controlling stiffness, bone limits, pole vectors, and other solver parameters.
    • Control Rig Inversion. New options have been added to the Control Rig editor.
      • Forward Solve: Add control manipulations to bones.
      • Backwards Solve: Apply incoming bone animation data.
      • Setup Event: Define and control events.
      • Backwards and Forward Solve: Use a combination of both solving mechanisms, with Backwards Solve calculated first.
    • Control Rig Branching and Looping. Updates include:
      • Added branching and conditional nodes
      • Added support for looping
      • Added support to group items to support looping
    • Chaos Ragdoll/Physical Animation (Beta). By default, PhysX will be deprecated and replaced with Chaos ragdoll physics. Feature updates will include the following.
      • Skeletal Mesh Support. We will implement feature parity with PhysX, providing Sequencer support to include Root Animation, Sequencer PIE support, and Kinematic Character Interaction.
      • Joint Constraint. We will provide Joint Collisions and Collision Manager feature parity with PhysX." 


    Good :)

  • EllessarrEllessarr Posts: 1,390

    here one of the new features, the new water tool

  • Ellessarr said:

    here one of the new features, the new water tool

    Yeap, looks amazing.

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