Transfer rigging to a scaled object

I'm looking for some help.
What I have done is taken an easy-pose chain and made some edits to it such as decimating it in hexagon, welding the links together, adding some new surface areas and made a chain that drapes nice and easy without loosing shape with dforce.
Problem is, it's much to big for my need so I scaled it down to size. I found that when I do this, dforce no longer wants to play nicely and either it wants to deform into unrecognizable clumps or explode into oblivion.
So what I did was scaled it to the size I need and sent it to hexagon and back so now it's the size I need at 100% but without the rigging or surfaces. I tried to scale down the rigged one and transfer the rigging, but the bones scale back up durring transfer so no longer match up.
I tried scaling the shrunken one up to match the rigged size, but again the transfered rigging takes the scale % of the new item and is therefore much to big for the object.
How can I do this?
1 figure is at 100% size and rigged, the other figure is at 16.5% size and un-rigged both have the exact same geometry.
Maybe ... have the properly rigged figure done and saved. Then using the scale on the Parameters Tab, dial it down to 16.5%. Either send it over the bridge to Hexagon or export out the .obj however you prefer for to make a morph.
Then in D/S dial the properly rigged figure back to 100% and then either from Hexagon send the smaller figure back over the bridge to D/S OR import in the smaller .obj file using Morph Loader Pro. Make the morph [reversing deformations is often a good idea].
Dial in the morph to 100%, go to Geometry Editor brush, right-click on a bone, Edit > Adjust Rigging to Mesh. Then on the Parameters Tab where the new morph is located, right-click on it to select Edit Mode. Then go to the little tool cog on its upper right corner to get the long list of options, ERC Freeze {I usually just select everything of those bottom 3 options}, click Accept. Then dial the morph back to 0%. Then save the morph.
Then one can load the figure, dial in the morph, and save a character preset or shaping preset or whatever. {million things on my mind right now, hope this makes sense}
Actually it does, thank you. I will see if morphing works better than scaling :)
Thank you very much. I do have to make some simulation edits when shrinking the size through the morph, but it does work and doesn't distort :)
I am having some issues with the rigging though, I can't seem to keep the rigging lined up. In my first try rigging was fine at 0% but dialing in the morph then posing the figure distorted the mesh.
On my second try it was the opposit. 100% morph would pose fine, but dialing it back down and trying to pose distorted the mesh.
I restarted and I am at the point Where I created the morph. The figure is in zero'd pose and morph is at 0%. What are my next steps for the bones so that the mesh doesn't distort?
Again, thank you for your help.
After you apply the morph for the first time, did you go into the Joint Editor and adjust the rigging to shape?If you don't do that, the bone locations don't follow the morph. Once you do that, you have to do an ERC freeze with the changes to the morph and re-save the figure. Then when you do the morph, the joint locations should adjust with it.
So I have the figure zero'd out morph set to 0
I want to apply the morph, adjust rigging to shape then ERC freeze?
*edit* That seems to work thank you. I thought I had already tried that order of steps. I guess I hadn't.
So just after I got this working perfectly (as far as I could get tested) thank you all for your help, my computer suddenly froze completely.
After a hard reboot I got the dreaded messages about not being able to find windows.
It seems my brand new SSD that has only been installed for about a month completely died. disk management is seeing it as a 0 byte drive with 0 free space so I had to buy another and reinstall windows. Which means re-setting up everything...
Luckily all my work is mostly saved on seperate mechanical HDDs and what is not is backed up with file history to one of those HDDs
Just need to go through a lot of re configuring now