Render progression beyond 100%?

If a render has reached 100% in the progress bar and is still grainy, will the image continue to improve even after the progress bar is full, or is the image finished in the 'imperfect' state?
A render I have been working on has been running for 2 hours, and is at 93%, but is still grainy.
the % complete is based on the settings you set and not whether the image is 'complete', if you are using the convergence ratio then 100% in the render progress is when the image has reached the convergence you chose, it may still be grainy.
depending on what you are trying to render you might want to up the lumens or wattage (whatever you are using) of all your lights and tone map the image back down. in general with iray, more light = faster renders.
you can also try a post process ai denoiser to remove the grain.
Increasing render Quality will make Iray fussier about what it counts as being converged. If it's a specific area then doing a spot render to a new window (Tool Settings pane) and layering that over the original render may help as, by limiting the area, the problem pixels make a higher proportion of the image and so Iray may get closer to converging them. If your render fits onto your GPU with space to spare you might also use the denoiser; of course there are also stand-alone denoisers that you could use on the noisy render after saving it from DS.