iRay render allocating large amount of VRAM during render?

I have a scene that consistentlyfails due to running out of VRAM, on both my 2070 and 1080ti, after about 10 minutes of rendering. The log gives a bunch of out of memory errors for the 2070 followed by a bunch for the 1080ti then the render stops because fallback to the CPU is disabled. All my other scenes work just fine and all my other scenes, including scenes using the same assets as the one in question, work fine.
Anyone ever seen this? It's got me stumped. Previous images in the same series rendered without a hitch.
Does tweaking the camera angle help? Maybe it's just a matter of the way certain surface interactions are stacking in the one image.
I'll give that a try.
You need more CPU RAM. If the the required amount of RAM is greater than what is on your graphics card, the the CPU RAM takes over. If that is not enough, then POOF.
I run into this all the time as I am using many characters in the scene....
I have a 6GB card and I've had Studo use well over 32GB at times, and this is when it was still rendering on the card. Note I said Studio; I wasn't including what was used elsewhere.
Failure to understand what I wrote.
This did correct the issue. Some weird reflection thing I guess?
I should think so, reflection or refraction causing an over-complex calculation.