Daz Studio animation issues?

This is using the latest non-beta DS (4.12. ... er, soemthing) under Win 7 64-bit. Tried to do a simpl eanimation of a cnadle flame flickering and after a while faffing around adjusting settings and properties gave it a quick look and .. none of the adjustments ahd bene retained - theer were no keyframes at all! Thought it may have been down to the prop/model in question which 'just' had morphs so tried it with another item that had a separate flame bone and after a bit of twiddling of side-side, etc., noticed that this too was not being kept as keyframes.
Having done soem aniamtions not too long ago, using aniblocks (and baking them to DS keyframes) I knew (kind of!) that it was possible! So I shut Daz Studio and restarted (in case it was down to underlying storage/memory issues) and the same thing happened. I then loaded a G8F figure and .. yes, the same thign happened. Then I noticed soemthign strange. If I manually typed a bend value in to the property the value stuck, it wa sonly if I used the sliders to set teh value did it not 'take'.
Please tell me that it's not just me seeing this?
During a session or on reloading a saved scene? The latter is a known issue, shaping presets will work but scenes don't: the chnage log shows that this has been fixed for a forthcoming build.
During a session: inasmuch as DS had been open and 'stuff' done, then a new scene was initiated (Ctrl-N) and the slider modified parameters did not stick as keyframes, plus the same happened after shutting and starting DS - in no case was a saved scene used, it was all from scratch.
Loading a scene from a save is enough to show the issue, even if DS hasn't been restarted.
I may (probably) loaded a scene at one stage in the initial session, but after the restart did not, and the problem was still shown.
Then I don't understand what you mean - how do you expect the keyframes to persist from one scene to a new scene?
Um, never rmentioned between scenes ... I move the Timeline to frame 10, say, then adjust a property slider. Then move to frame 20 and move the property slider to another value. The first keyframe disappears. If I repeat that, but intead of using the slider I click on the numeric value and manually enter a new value, the keyframes stay in place.
Sorry, I misread your post - I thought you were doing File>New between setting and losing the keys.
Is this happening only with the flame prop, or more generally?
I did do a File> New (using Ctrl-N) to clear out what was there and start again, but no load/save of any scene was done. It was a candle prop, a cnadle figure but also a G8F, so pretty universal from what I could see.
I tried using Forearm size on Genesis 8 female in DS and can't reproduce the issue.
I have been trying to recreate it, again, and think it might be down to me using Alt-Click on aa slider to reset it to it's default value and that nullifying ALL keyframes based on that property - has it always done that?
Yes, as far as I recall.
Seems a slight change in methodology threw a spanner in the works!