Shoe Soles

I expect this has come up before, but I can't find anything on it. Nor could I find a product, but if there is one please direct me !

Not all shoes have soles. Some are just flat. The ability to add a plane to the bottom of a shoe that matches the shape of the sole, with different sole like textures available (leather, rubber, grippy, smooth), would be a godsend for the flat soled shoes in my collection.



  • Not sure what you're looking for here.

    Could you just change the sole material for the shoes you already own?

    Like, use a shader and change the material/texture yourself?

    Or, do you mean a product line like this , where you ADD different kinds of soles to get the shape you want?

    And more info on adjustable heels/shoes

  • Oh and I just stublmed across this, looks pretty cool too..

    and more textures for them

  • The problem for the shoes in your collection is that they will each have a different uv-map and slightly different shape so you won't get a one-fits-all solution by adding a plane. Your best bet for those, as Griffin Avid suggested, is to use an iray shader that includes a bump/displacement/normal map to give the impression of grip.

  • There are some nice shoes there for sure. However, they don't really fit the Sci Fi setting I like.

    I have the shoes I like, but many seem to have plain black 2-dimensional soles. While I can add a texture to these, the texture seems to travel onto the wrap-around sole surface. Also, of course, the texture just repeats whereas with real shoes, they have unique soles, like this (attached).

    It would be a nice detail to have.

    Maybe not worth the time and effort for the payoff, I don't know - and maybe not possible at all. But, you know, turn any high heels into Louboutins, etc.

    I would buy it anyway : ).

    300 x 128 - 8K
  • ^The thing you're looking for depends on the uv-mapping. There won't be a general solution that can fit all shoes. On a shoe-by-shoe basis, you can draw a black and white map on the current shoe texture map and use that as a bump map - but it would only work for that shoe. Iray decals might work but I haven't used those enough to know for sure.

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