Converted Timeline to Aniblock Doesn't match the original timeline

Daz Studio
I have a GF8 Character that has a mocap animation applied with 250 frames. I needed to adjust the foot angle to fix the shoes (add 22 degrees) so I converted the timeline of the character to an aniblock. On the aniblock I added the foot angle which corrected the shoe issue. When I then did a double check of the aniblock before I converted it back to keyframes, I noticed that the animation itself was slower than the original. For example, the original timeline had the character walked past the camera and out of frame at the end of the 250 frames, but with the aniblock conversion, the character was still in the scene at frame 250.
Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?
Note: Timing is critical as I have other characters walking in a specific path so they don't run into each other.