DS 4.12 keeps crashing when loading morphs as a batch?

When using Morph Loader Advanced, i unchecked the box that allows morphs to be loaded as a batch, It keeps crashing when more than 1 morph is loaded all at once however when loading them 1 at a time it works.
Its kinda annoying since i have 15 morphs i always use for my figures so its kinda of a hassle doing 1 at a time.
Any advice?
I'd never actually looked at ML Advanced until I saw this post. I use MP Pro.
Can't you just uncheck the single file option again in the dialog to get batch import?
In order to even be allowed to use the batch option i have to always uncheck the single file box then it allows me to use the batch option, it crashes if more than 1 morph is loaded at once...
To be honest its not a major issue for me, just seeing if there are any ways to fix this..
Is there a reason why you are not saving the morphs as assets for the figure, then you wouldn't need to import them but once each.