How can I change my payment method for the Platinum Club?
I've been trying to buy the Supersuit, but when I add it to my cart, it isn't giving the PC discount. Poking around in my account settings, I tried to update my PC membership, but apparently it isn't working with PayPal at the moment. Just to be sure, I ordered two of the $1.00 items, and was able to pay for those with PayPal just fine.
At any rate, I'd like to try renewing my PC membership with my credit card, but I can't find anywhere to change the payment method.
On a related note, I noticed that since the new web site went live, I don't see 'PC Member since...' at the top of the page anymore. Is it like this for everyone, or is it just me?
Check in your profile, to see which group you have been assigned to.
If you have problems, THere is a list of contact email addresses in this thread
Thanks. I finally figured out what was wrong; I had the web page zoomed in too far. (Getting old, my eyes don't like my screen resolution.)
For some odd reason, though, when I was zoomed in, there was no scrollbar at the bottom of the page, so I couldn't see that there was some clickable text on the far right side. I was using Firefox; I'll have to see if the same problem persists with zooming in other browsers.
At any rate, I'm now downloading! :-) I doubt that I'll get it all installed before I go to work today, but I can play when I get home tonight.