Help - ocio (open color io) for post processing ?

I like to export exr canvases from Studio to post process them in Affinity Photo.

Does anybody maybe have some tips to share how to best do this?


- Which ocio profile to use (I assume ACEScg might fit to what iray outputs, but I am not sure. I tried input = scene linear, output = sRGB)

- Setting the blend modes in Affinity (e.g. add or multiply)

I tried a few things but did not get a usable starting point so far.


  • ZiconZicon Posts: 359
    edited October 2020

    I often render each light source as a canvas and composite them in Affinity Photo. I load up the EXR files as a stack, ungroup the stack and blend the layers using Add. Then I add a black layer to the bottom, and an Exposure adjustment layer to the top. I set the value of the Exposure layer to the negative of the exposure value used for the render, so if the exposure value in DS is set to 13, I set the Exposure adjustment layer to -13. Then I have a composite that looks the same as a beauty render from DS, and I'm all ready to start tweaking.

    Never had a reason to change profiles, so I just use whatever is the default when loading images to a stack.

    Post edited by Zicon on
  • As long as you turn off the correction in Render Settings I think linear should be right.

  • AnimAnim Posts: 241

    You mean Tone Mapping, right?

    My assumpion was that the canvas exr export anyway ignores that. Is that assumption wrong?


  • AnimAnim Posts: 241


    Thanks, I came to the same conclusion. OCIO conversions using "scene linear in" and "sRGB out" do not give a usable result in my test so far. So, like always, more trial and error.


    1609 x 1189 - 407K
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Here you go.  I've been using these macros a lot recently. 

    NB: They're intended for 32-bit renders, and look pretty bad on 8-bit images.

  • AnimAnim Posts: 241

    Thanks !  :-)

  • AnimAnim Posts: 241

    Got it with OCIO.

    I assumed the profiles include a tone mapping. That was wrong. The prime exposure adjustment needs to be done before OCIO layers.

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