interpenetration of clothes agaisnt to fix it?

so i just posed my character and it seems like a part of the arm is poking throught the clothes.
i tried using the geometry tool, but i cannot move those vertices.(nor can i find soft selection)
(also(it seems like if i bring it to zbrush the whole thing breaks)
how can i move points? googled for the same issue and solution, but couldnt find anyththing
please help. thanks.
Before you try to move the mesh, try the Smoothing Modifier (Parameters tab -> Mesh Smoothing). If there is none, you can add one from the main menu -> Edit -> Figure -> Geometry -> Add Smoothing Modifier. Set Collision Item to the character, and play with the Collision and Smoothing iterations. Increase them a little at a time until the poke-through goes away. If that doesn't help, more drastic measures might be required.
The term you need to search for is "poke through."
If tweaking the mesh smoothing doesn't fix it, there are a few products in the shop that can help. Fit Control by Zev0 is a good one, Poke-Away is another, but they are specific to particular Genesis versions and genders. Mesh Grabber could be a more general solution, or you could try moving the clothing around yourself with a D-former.
A fast and dirty solution can be to simply make the relevant body part invisible. If an arm is poking through a long sleeved garment, set its visibility to Off and it won't matter. It saves on rendering resources too.
If there is no pokethrough visible in the texture shaded working view, but there is in an iRay rendered version, then it may be down to surface displacement settings. Last night I came across a jumper where this happening. The jumper normal was the opposite of what I expected and as I increased the displacement, I increased the jeans pokethrough in the rendering. Once I realise, and reversed the surface displacement, it all worked properly.
thanks for the suggestions..they didnt really work(also for some reason mesh grabber is currently not availiable- not sure whats up with that) . -another issue is that i was also planning on moving parts of the hair myself , but i guess its not really possible to just grab vertices and move them around in daz...its unbelievable o_o .the software sure has a lot of strengths..but i guess this is a big weakness
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