Stuck in Preparing Scene loop + not using GPU

Hi all. I have an Nvidia 1080ti and can't seem to get it working with Daz. I unselected the CPU from the advanced rendering settings and when I select Iray (or try to render), it just stays blank and is stuck in a preparing scene loop. I have updated the GPU to the latest Nvidia Studio drivers. For about 1 hour, it worked. Then, when I loaded up Daz today, it's back to the same old problem. I've also downloaded the latest Public Beta version of Daz Studio to see if that'll fix it to no avail.
This happens regardless of what's in the scene or what model I use.
I'm not using any other 3rd party plug-ins other than the LAHM Catalyzer from the store. Even when I disable that, the issue remains. This is driving me crazy as I can't seem to find any help on the forums or via a google search, so any help to fix this would make my life many times better! Thanks.
When DAZ is stuck in the "preparing scene" loop, hit CTRL+ALT+DEL (if you're on Windows) and check the GPU memory usage. What does it say? How many GB in total is used?
Also, check your error log right after this happens and post results. The log file should be somewhere in:
YourDriveLetter:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4