Multiple or single UV map?

*I've edited the question*
1x4096 map would be the equivalent of 16x 1024 maps, correct?
imagine I have 16 different trees each with a UV map that is 1024x1024 and I then stitch all those 1024 maps into one giant 4096x4096 map.
Now when I load 16 trees into the scene, will the system have to load in 16 instances of that 4096 uv map, or will it only have to load the map once into memory?
Post edited by BradCarsten on
10 x 512 maps are less space than one 4096. 64 are the same.
However, will 512 give you sufficient resolution for close ups?
Nicstt, in this case, the 4096 texture is divided into 10 blocks essentially with each object having its own unique texture. They just happen to be grouped together onto one UV map.
Edit* I didn't really do the math beforehand. Let me change my question to reflect that.
You can use the Tiling channels in DAZ Studio. Make a texture with 12 square images and tile them horizontally/vertically by degrees of 25% to get a range of images from 1 texture.
Don't forget that Iray will be compressing the larger maps more than the smaller for those dimensions, which will affect both quality and resource usage. Also, if you use the oen large map then in future you will have to use it even if you want to load only one of the trees.
An alternative might be to look at using an intermediate number of maps doing different things (including Base Colour and Diffuse Overlay) and see if you can achieve the variety you want with fewer total resources.
Thanks Maclean. I didn't know about this option.
Thanks Richard. That's a good point about only adding one tree and yet having to then load the full map. Just to clarify, If I load all 16 trees as separate objects, will it use only 1x 4096 map, or will it have to load the same map 16x ie.1 for each tree?
It will use just the one map. You can see that by using the Image Editor dialogue to change an aspect of one map on one surface, then opening the dialogue on the same map on a different surface/object and seeing that the changed settings ar applied there too.
okay, great. Thanks.
Like this. A texture for numbers etc, and the Tiling effect. From Everyday Gadgets