Accidentally deleted Shaders folder in surfaces presets > pane.

Hi all, while trying to trouble shoot why none of my shaders were appearing in the surfaces preset tab I accidentally deleted the 'Shaders' tab/folder.
How can I go about putting it back? I noticed its still in the 'Categories' dropdown in the Content Library pane but I cannot move it over.
Any help appreciated!
(Edit: accidentally double posted, thought I cancelled the first. My bad!)

187 x 649 - 14K
Post edited by jameswigman on
Well if it was truly deleted, you would have to reinstall all the products to get the folder(s) back.
Using DIM?
As I install manually, I'd guess it would be a case of finding the directory and putting a 'Shaders' folder back in the right place?
Categories isn't a file view, it's a database view. If the files are deleted but the database isn't updated, then Categories will still point to the empty space where the files were.