Geo-Graft head Question

I wanted ask if anyone else has made a Geo-grafted head for Gensis 8 female and what are the steps. I've been trying to do it myself and while I haven't hit a brick wall it kinda feels like it. I created a geograft and it already has it's own rigging set up. It's also already in daz and I've managed to do everything except conform it to the model. I'm not really sure how to go about this without losing the rigging I have for it. If I do let it auto-fit to the model it works as it should, but I lose my rigging which means the head doesn't do anything aside from bend and twist lol.I'm just missing this one step.
So how can I conform the head geograft to the model without losing it's rigging? As detailed as possible if you have a solution. My thought currently is to replace the neckbone I have for the geo-graft with the Daz neck bone, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Ty for your time.
I attached two images to show the bone of my geo graft and the G8 model beside it to show where it'd go. Again I've already made it become a geo-graft I'm just trying not to lose the rigging.
Edit: Also if anyone has any tips regarding head geo-grafts in general that would be appreciated.
Thank you for SickleYield for the help.
Either cover up your human model or switch to smooth shaded view.
Have you set the head geograft's base compatibility to G8F? With the head selected, go either to Edit -> (Figure or Object) -> Scene Identification, or click on the "hamburger" icon at the top left of the Scene pane and Edit -> Scene Identification, then set "Preferred Base" to G8F. This will tell DS that the figure is supposed to work with G8F and thus won't try to autofit it in the normal way.
Does the head actually share vertices along its edge with the base figure? If not it won't actually graft.
As for rigging, you really need to set it up with the Transfer Utility and then add custom bones/edit the weight maps
This was actually one of the things I had to do. Once I did that I could "fit" it to Genesis 8 and the geograft wouldn't autofit which was great.It stopped me from losing my riggnig. At least in this way.
This I also had missed. I did do the vertices things, but I had not done the transfer utility in the later step to merge the hierarchys. Although I'm not sure how much it helped since I have some problems regarding the geograft still.
Now my newest problems are in regards to the geo-graft a seam still being quite visible when the geograft replaces the head (as in I can see between the graft and the body when it's set) and the geograft now gets quite affected by height morphs. It will either cause the chin to distort from the pull in either direction/leave the geograft in place while the body changes shape. I haven't test all my morphs but it seems a majority don't affect it. Sickleyield suggested a Rigidity map which I'll be trying to learn to do.
On a minor note I also have constantly reparent the geograft to like the G8 neck bone in order to have it follow the body correctly. Is there a way to make it stay parented to the bone I want when I load it in? Thank you for the replies.
Oh and how do I do one of those material copy scripts? It'd probably help in regards to making the seam less visible.
If it's rigged to match the base figure at the join (even if you then have custom bones beyond that) it should follow.automatically. However, for any custom bones you will have to do your own adjusting rigging to shape - I suspect that may be the issue with the jaw bone, at least in part - and if the shape is very different from the default then the projected morphs - where you don't have a custom morph - may be odd. A Rigidity Map may help, but that stops the mesh from responding to projected morphs other than the effect on a few selected polygons - for soemthign like a replacement head picking a workable set of reference polygons on the base figure might be challenging.
Not sure if the adjust rigging to shape thing would work. I believe I had tried it several times, but nothing had happened. I will be looking into the rigidity thing, but for now I decided I'm just gonna start from scratch with it again. Now that I have quite a better idea on what I'm doing perhaps it'll come out a lot better with less issues. The nack area for it needed to be edited anyways so I'll just try to set it around the top of the neck if I can. That way the polys will be better looped too.
For Adjust Rigging to Shape to work for a morph you have to have the rigging set up for the base shape and then memorised (Joint Editor tool option menu).
I'll have to see on that.