Solving dark eyes in render (this is NOT the far-from-world-center bug)

Having trouble rendering a scene with a figure lit only by emmissive mesh lights, the eyeballs are turning out very dark. Not randomly striped black, I know about the world center bug and she is close to 0,0,0. Instead, it is like her eyes are only receiving half the light of the surrounding area, and are full of shadow. What setting should I look at to brighten them up? I've adjusted glossy reflectivity, color and weight on eyeMoisture to no avail

143 x 115 - 37K
also tried adding a secondary direct light which I was trying to avoid, but that just brightens the skin and eye by equal amounts leaving me with the same problem:
It would be helpful if you named the character.
Some characters have darker scleras than others. You can always try eyes from another characters material set.