Any luck under Yosemite?

AeoliusAeolius Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

Now that the public beta is out...


  • OroborosOroboros Posts: 326
    edited December 1969


    No no no no no.

    Enough with the silly hopes. Use 10.6.8 or a workaround, or join me and MegaCal embracing Blender. No future release of Mac OS from 10.7 will run Mac Bryce natively. End of story. Software development just doesn't work like that.

  • serendigityserendigity Posts: 7
    edited July 2014

    From what I understand the issue is the way the code was developed. It is just not an easy thing to port it over to the new OS versions. A complete re-write of all the underlying code would cost a fortune. The only way I ever see a chance of Bryce 8 for Mac is via a crowd funding method where DAZ gets the dosh up front.

    P.S. I am using Bryce 7 on 10.6.8 virtualised.

    Post edited by serendigity on
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