Missing DSF files from downloaded content

I have downloded some army pack from the shop, however when I try to add the materials to the Genesis 8 character it says this message
data/herschel hoffmeyer/tactical assault outfit/tactical assault male combat boots/uv sets/herschel hoffmeyer/base/default.dsf
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the pack but I still get the same message. This is the first time i've used Daz 3d, am I doing something wroong?
and possibly one or more of its add-ons? Have you loaded the outfit itself - it sounds as if you are trying to apply a materials preset to the base figure instead, and if you haven't loaded the outfit it's possible there's a more general issue. If you do have the outfit loaded, or if you are loading part of the outfit, then does it work? A bad call to the UVs doesn't always cause a problem as DS will usually just use the defaults anyway.
I think you're right, now I feel dumb, I didn't realise the pack was just an add on, I thought it could be added to the basic genesis 8 default character, I will purchase what you linked to and try again, thank you
So I just purchased and installed the outfit and it all works as expected now, thank you for pointing out the silly error I made haha.