Iclone animations come out wrong.

I did this once last year and the animations worked fine. I followed the exact same tutorial - Exporting an animation from Iclone to 3dxchange into a BHV file - over to daz. But this time my character is sort of warped. As in, the hands as stuck behind their back and the animation kind of just bobbles around.

Has anyone successful used Iclone to animate? As stated - I tried it before but now it seems to be different. 


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614

    select hip not root node to export

    I find using Genesis 1 better (will work on genesis 3 after saving as duf)

    for Genesis 8 use pose controls afterwards arms down 45 degrees legs out 6 degress

    also moving the hip to the floor using the joint editor helps stop foot sliding

  • UsernamenottakenUsernamenottaken Posts: 53
    edited October 2020

    select hip not root node to export

    I find using Genesis 1 better (will work on genesis 3 after saving as duf)

    for Genesis 8 use pose controls afterwards arms down 45 degrees legs out 6 degress

    also moving the hip to the floor using the joint editor helps stop foot sliding

    Okay so I I got it to work, thank you. But here is the issue. Some of the preset animations work fine, like the walking forward and what not - but the one of someone sitting down goes haywire. It's strange.

    Post edited by Usernamenottaken on
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