Skin Builder 3/8: Additional Masks

ArtMadeonArtMadeon Posts: 17
edited October 2020 in Product Suggestions

Hi PAs!

I'd love to see a product that can procedurally / randomly generate freckles, moles, blemishes, scars and more on an existing character skin.  In essence, a way to take an existing character's skin and make it more unique.

This could potentially be an add-on and/or evolution of the "Skin Builder 3/8" add-on by @Zev0, which would (helpfully) make it an MR.

The concept is relatively simple. The product folder contains a selection of masks (in categorised folders, similar to how Skin Builder works) that are combined by the software to create a unique mask that is then applied to create a relatively unique permutation of these overlays.  The user can select how many of these masks should be combined, enabling a more subtle or pronounced effect overall.

Similar to Skin Builder 3/8, the user could add their own masks to contribute to the uniqueness of the outcome.  The more masks I create, the more unique combinations I can get.

In order for this to work technically, the masks would need to be "negative" in that the black areas indicate where the effect should be applied, and the white areas indicate where it should not be applied.  The software could then combine these "negative" masks based on the parameters, invert the mask, then use the white areas to indicate where to apply the effect.

Hope this product suggestion / extension is useful - do let me know if someone decides to implement this.  I think it would be a killer feature that would make characters incredibly diverse.  


Post edited by ArtMadeon on


  • After further thought, I believe the answer is actually quite a bit simpler.

    What's needed is a set of add on masks for Skin Builder 3/8.  These masks would be "partials" with a variety of different freckles or moles - end users could then either:

    1. Use Skin Builder to apply each mask individually (stacking the masks) to create a combined look; or

    2. Combine one or more of the masks in Photoshop to generate a combined mask that can then be used in Skin Builder in a single pass

    If the package included (say) 20-30 different masks for each element (moles, freckles, age spots), the variety that could be created would be pretty incredible.  It would also amplify the value of the Skin Builder product, as more variety would be possible out of the box.

    Is there anyone who can create these masks?  I would happily pay for this as an add-on to Skin Builder, since I'm not confident or skilled enough at this point to just edit the UVs (I can't figure out how to deal with the distortions when painting on a flat surface).

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