c:\users\public and c\users\dude content libraries - merge?

Hi all, when first installing Daz I installed for "all users" and so all DIM content goes to c:\Users\Public\Documents\My Daz3D Library\

but when I installed external packages I kept installing them to C.\Users\Dexter\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\

Now I wanted to move everything to a second hard drive as Daz depletes my C drive, but I don't know what to do: all instructions here on the forums only talk about the DIM bit, but what do I do with the 3rd party?

Where do I tell Daz that's gone then?

Can I merge them? Should I? Should I not? 


  • Manual installs you can just move, as you can installs through Connect - neither of those store any absolute paths, as the DIM installation records in the manifests folder do, so there's is no problem if the location of the content directory changes (even if the items have been categorised).

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    The idea of the default settings for the first content directory to be "My Library" in a specific user account and for the second to be "My Daz 3D Library" in Public is so that the second one will only have what DIM installed, while anything you do gets stored in the first.  It's not required, but that's the reason the defaults are set that way.

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