Built in Tutorial and other things that don't work for me

To keep this short I'll just present the problems I have and hope someone will know how to fix the problem(s)

1. The built in Tutorial #4 Posing, it's alright to begin with it ask to select a preset pose, the problem starts when it asks you to tweak the pose, First problem it want you to fix the facial features - the problem with the head is that face isn't facing you and it's no bigger than a nickel (i don't know about you but working on something that small is a pain and being that these tutorials are Scripts your're locked into them if you break out of them you have to start all over again from the top of the tutorial chain and work your way back and because it asks you to save after each lesson you basically have the same problem again and again , problem number two if you simply click on continue to go to the next step it'll let you but at the end of the lesson it  will give you an error saying you didn't complete the lesson correctly or something to that effect, Again if they wanted you to do something in a certain order in a certain way it should be damn well written as such in the script.

Solution to this problem make the tutiorials somewhat less hand holdy put up cards but leave the rest unlocked so you can at least make adjustments or at least have control to alter things if the tutorial does something that incorrect. (ie choses something that isn't made for the figure ) btw Toulouse hair style is for version 1 or 2 of Genesis not version 8 if there is one for G8 you may need to adjust for that too.


2.several of older Content purchases are behaving weirdly IE double clicking on items in Studio brings up a script of some sort that opens a window that suppose to have either text or simular to ckick on in order to make a choice with the words under the window that says just that.  the other problem i'm having is related to Victoria V4.x in thiis case almost everything in this content package installs but the base for Victoria , and with out this other items that i have for V4 that need that present will not work. Either the file that came down from  Daz website is corrupted or else version 4.12.xx.x just doesn't like earlier content.


Sorry if this sounds like a rant but, it's hard as hell to fit something like this into a issue ticket. (i've never been good at Twitter)




  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    To keep this short I'll just present the problems I have and hope someone will know how to fix the problem(s)

    1. The built in Tutorial #4 Posing, it's alright to begin with it ask to select a preset pose, the problem starts when it asks you to tweak the pose, First problem it want you to fix the facial features - the problem with the head is that face isn't facing you and it's no bigger than a nickel (i don't know about you but working on something that small is a pain and being that these tutorials are Scripts your're locked into them if you break out of them you have to start all over again from the top of the tutorial chain and work your way back and because it asks you to save after each lesson you basically have the same problem again and again , problem number two if you simply click on continue to go to the next step it'll let you but at the end of the lesson it  will give you an error saying you didn't complete the lesson correctly or something to that effect, Again if they wanted you to do something in a certain order in a certain way it should be damn well written as such in the script.

    Solution to this problem make the tutiorials somewhat less hand holdy put up cards but leave the rest unlocked so you can at least make adjustments or at least have control to alter things if the tutorial does something that incorrect. (ie choses something that isn't made for the figure ) btw Toulouse hair style is for version 1 or 2 of Genesis not version 8 if there is one for G8 you may need to adjust for that too.


    2.several of older Content purchases are behaving weirdly IE double clicking on items in Studio brings up a script of some sort that opens a window that suppose to have either text or simular to ckick on in order to make a choice with the words under the window that says just that.  the other problem i'm having is related to Victoria V4.x in thiis case almost everything in this content package installs but the base for Victoria , and with out this other items that i have for V4 that need that present will not work. Either the file that came down from  Daz website is corrupted or else version 4.12.xx.x just doesn't like earlier content.


    Sorry if this sounds like a rant but, it's hard as hell to fit something like this into a issue ticket. (i've never been good at Twitter)



    The tutorials are really there to introduce rock-bottom basic concepts, rather than as a way to produce anything worth looking at.   Judging by the forums, very few people have even bothered with them, and there are loads of beginner tutorials on YouTube to supplement them.

    For very basic stuff, you will probably find a lot of interest in Parmy's beginner's playlist.


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