It’s The End Of The World As W…
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It’s The End Of The World As We Know It, And I Feel Fine!
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EDIT: Note to self. Don't poke at Anne, she runs away and hides. :gulp:
Thank you :D
Most of the render was fairly straightforward, only the posing was a pain in the bum-cheeks. Posing is my nemesis at the moment. I won't go so cocky as to say I'm good at lighting, but I don't fiddle around as much as I used to with the lighting, I seem to have at least a basic idea of what I want to achieve with that. Scenery is difficult because I'm sure people have all seen what I've got by now. It's either that or model my own, and modeling is a very slow process for me because I've no blinkin' idea what I'm doing!
But yeah, I really hate posing! Hate it. Hate hate hate it.
it has happened again on my Android
I used quick reply, something goes wrong after a long essay and I get the address at blah blah blah is down or has moved page and I cannot get my post back by touching back!!!
so too bad if I CAN ramble on the longest,
you will not ever see the post as by then I forgotten what I said!!!
but Barry, the lazy girl aint even posing with her sword! she is sitting in her chair waiting for the assailants to come to her!!! ;-P
oops looked again, it is a different weapon, an AXE!!! %-P
that'lll teach me, I first looked at your render then went to other threads before coming back here eventually, Jeff's post had turned the page and my memory and old age not so great :red:
Kinda reminds me of Inigo Montoya with his sword while he was drunk. :P
that is another "Princess bride" in joke, isn't it :snake:
must rewatch that for me, largely unmemorable movie to see what the fuss is about, one day!
Maybe if Barry's axe babe were holding a bottle o' brandy...
She wouldn't drink brandy, her heart (and liver) belong to Jack Daniels!
I'm in a situation I'm not used to. I'm generally very happy. This is quite the revellation and I've expected it to fall apart for the last few weeks, but it hasn't, I'm still happy, I'm fired up, I'm enthusiastic, focused, and... Well, I'm kind of back to the way I was years ago, at least in my head. Obviously physical health problems are a different matter, I can't control diabetes or my bad back, arms, legs, eyes, etc!
The upshoot of all this is that I've taken stock of life, written that project list, and decided that art is where I can make a difference both to myself and to others.
My websites are dead, being brutally honest. I make enough to cover their existence but not enough to call them profitable. I'll keep them going, but I won't increase. A few pounds here and there is still better than no pounds. But that's it.
So I rewind the clock, and take Mr Belwon's advice, turn a hobby into a money making machine.
The Department of Work and Pensions are essentially saying that I need an income. I'm not disabled, I'm just very sick, and although getting up and physically going to work would possibly be the least comfortable thing in the world for me, there's nothing stopping me from working here, in the comfort of my own comfy chair.
I have to learn how to model. I have to learn how to texture. I have to learn how to pass quality control from Rendo/Daz/RDNA/Whoever, and I need to learn how to discipline myself to make enough goods to bring in enough bacon to survive on my own two feet.
If I don't have the right tools by now, then holy mother of Dog I'm screwed. Maya, ZBrush, Hexagon, Carrara, Poser, Daz, Bryce, Vue, Blender, the list just goes on and on. No excuses, got to get cracking and learn my craft.
fast reply is evil :snake:
third time today I have posted a multipargraph tome and lost it due to data conectivity issues!!
Ok, so, modelling is easy, will have an entire set of models by about 10pm.
Oh. I dreamed that. Damn.
Arn't dreams wonderful? I had one were I did a full animated movie and it was rendering to still frames. When I woke up I checked on the render progress. I was very AWWW it was just a dream.
:lol: So glad we have lots of talented modelers around here who are willing to sell us their creations for a reasonable price! :) (Otherwise, my entire involvement in 3D would probably consist of statements like "Ooh! Look at that pretty render!")
I could have a set of models in minutes!
ok, they'd all be cubes but . . . .
God I had a dumb idea!
for you to make munny Barry
texture sets for cubes!
you all gone sleepybyes now?
dawn is breaking here!
I'm here I just hit render on a new one. Had to check with the Mods about the TOS first.
I cannot go to the Daz site at all on my desktop, at least I can on my Android, must test laptop later, if that is blocked I won't be able to download purchases!
this is what Windows tells me
not on Chrome either
Whats fubar with the DT pc? Or is it more of a can not get service issue?
can go everywhere else!
just not Daz!
I just caught your Post in Stupid Thread. That's weirdness for sure. P.S. nice render.
I'm off to set up the next render for my little thing I'm doing. Back later.
Y'all are busy little bees today. I knew Barry had to be dreaming---or drinking heavily. :lol:
I've downloaded some, now to install. Hopefully I'll have a render before bedtime. Actually, I haven't eaten since day before yesterday. Better eat before doing anything else.
Today's last render is cooking. I'm pooped, I really don't have the energy to fiddle with 3D anymore today. That's good, I should be able to sleep well tonight so I can go get all cleaned out tomorrow.
I get more confused the more I try to do. Am I supposed to have genesis.dsf and genesis.duf both?
YEP, the .duf comes with the new starter bundle. Hint It loads faster, for me anyway.
I guess I'm okay then. I thought the .duf was supposed to replace the .dsf. I've got both.
Hey Wendy, tell me again, what was it you used to make AVIs? Or can you just upload sequenced JPGs?
I render seqyenced png's mostly and drop or open the first one in virtualdub, it loads the rest, you then save as avi.
I save uncompressed
I use Windows live movie maker to edit and make into wmv files for YouTube.
you can save compressed as mpg but bit big for uploading.
I do not keep the avi files, they can be huge, just the image sequences and wmv files.
Carrara loads image sequences, you can also make avi and mov files using Carrara!
I have for 3D titles and several video textured planes for video in video effects.
I fixed my Daz site unavallability issue
pulled my dongle out and shoved it into another hole
it reinstalled the driver and it is now able to go here!