C Drive Almost Out Of Space!

I never thought I'd ever see this happen (based on over 20K image and Word files I have on an ancient PC which still runs XP, abut 1/3 of those image files being PNG & TIF, plus of course other programs), but on my laptop on which I have Daz Studio my C Drive is now down to 850MB and I have 11 packages in DIM I can't download as while some are just under that size, others are over it. Just recently I had to do a disk clean-up and uninstall programs I either rarely or don't use to free up 3GB, but buying from the PC+ Sale is wiping it all out! I have a D Drive with 343 GB free, and an F Drive with 87 GB free, but I have no clue how these work or even what they're for as I've never needed to even look at them before! Re the workings of PCs and LTs I'm not tech-savvy.

I have a new PC which I'll shortly be installing DS on, but I've been waiting until the PC+ Sale is over. The new PC's C Drive has 377 of 476GB free, while the D Drive has 476GB totally free Though the laptop's C Drive's original capacity - surprising to me as I'd expect it to be less than the new PC as it has double the RAM - is 562GB, so it's going to be tight getting all of my DS content onto that. Any advice would be much appreciated.


  • Get a bigger drive

  • Get a bigger drive

    Thanks, but that's currently not an option.


  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491
    edited October 2020

    You can set up DIM to download to any location, so you could move the downloads folder to your D: drive. You need to start up DIM in offline mode (checkbox on the signon page) then go to Advanced Settings and specify where downloads should go. Similarly you can move the location for the installed files to another drive instead of the default location.

    ETA: There are lots of threads with a more detailed "How To" - I can't think of a specific example off the top of my head, but Google search might turn them up.

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • MelanieL said:

    You can set up DIM to download to any location, so you could move the downloads folder to your D: drive. You need to start up DIM in offline mode (checkbox on the signon page) then go to Advanced Settings and specify where downloads should go. Similarly you can move the location for the installed files to another drive instead of the default location.

    ETA: There are lots of threads with a more detailed "How To" - I can't think of a specific example off the top of my head, but Google search might turn them up.

    Thanks. I found this link which is very detailed:

    I've just discovered that my entire Daz content which I have backed up on a remote hard drive only takes up 44GB (that's including my Scenes, Subsets & Render Library folders), so what is it that takes up so much space on the C Drive? On my laptop I only have Daz Studio, DIM, Hexagon (which I've not yet used), Facegen Artist Pro, my security and 8 other programs, but only 3 of which would take up much space.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612
    edited October 2020

    check application data roaming temp

    a lot of crap accumulates there and doesn't empty 

    you can delete it all if not in use (it will tell you if it is and can skip those)

    also old Nvidia drivers take up heaps of space 

    Ccleaner by Piroform is a very useful tool


    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Thankd for the feedback, foldks, but it turns out kenshaw011267 had it right: I do need a new drive.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    I moved house a few days ago. Anything I hadn't touched for 12 months I threw out (or gave away). Perhaps that's an option for you.... spring cleaning. As for 3D I'll soon need to do the same... I've got stuff from 15 years ago I'll never use. Can't see myself using Posette, M/V2,3,4, ball joint doll, Ben/Kate, Simon/Sydney, the ugly Millennium Baby 3.0 or the dozens of old hairs and clothes for them. Their only value to me now is sentimental.... and taking up nearly 100GB. At some point soon I'll need to take the old dog to the barn with a shotgun and say goodbye.

  • In DIM, go to the "Ready to Install" tab and make sure that the "Delete Package Once Installed" checkbox at the bottom is ticked. If it isn't, or for some time wasn't, you could have gigabytes of files stacked up in C:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\Downloads that you don't really need.

  •     A similar issue here in regards to DAZ content. I notice a lot of content has unnecsssailiy large texture files that eat up a lot of disk space. Is there a way to replace them with lower resolution files? Or a am I stuck with whateve they come installed with?

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