Is there a "Light Preview Button" in Daz 4.6?

Anyone know where the "Light Preview Button" in Daz 4.6 is? While working I clicked on something that shut off all my lights. I tried to undo, but the lights stayed off. I believe what I'm looking for is in this video at around 2:26 in - but the video is from Daz 4.0 and I can't seem to find that button in Daz 4.6.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Try Control L, its the shortcut to that icon, which switches the auto light on/off.
(In 'window' on the main menu its the last item.)
Under "Window", toggle "Preview Lights".
btw - it'll only preview so many lights, i think 10 was the max but the rest would still be there when rendered.
Awesome info - those suggestions worked! Thanks!
Yes, there is a limit to how many lights can be active in the Viewport; you can only have eight. This is a hardware limit of your graphics system, it doesn't matter whether your graphics card is old and creaky or the latest all-singing all-dancing games hardware. When you render, though, you will see the effect of all your lights.
I wonder it that's a limit of someone only assigning a counter that will handle a count to eight....
apple had to rewrite their original font format because it was set to a max of 256, why would anyone need more?
I find it difficult to picture a hardware limitation from 15? years ago that applies today?
My old Dell inspiron could with its integrated chip preview 16 lights, it crashed loading stuff into DS though.
The limit on preview lights is, as far as I know, determined by the GPU hardware/driver capabilities.
I'm still confused on that CTRL+L. Does that light actually render? I have been turning it back off before I render, but isn't it only a preview light and does not contribute to the scene lighting?
The limit is an OpenGL anything using it is limited to 8.
Yes, that's the on/off switch for the through-the-camera preview light, the one that will render if there are no lights in the scene.
Thanks! Most of the time I remember to shut it off again, but since I always have lights in the scene it's good to know it isn't going to contribute.