Ultimate Pose Mixer script not running right (solved)

RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

I love using V3Digitimes Pose Mixer but since I moved my Daz Content Library to a M.2 drive it no longer works to lock and unlock poses.

Could this script still be using the old directories?

What about a reinstall of it? 

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  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377

    I just uninstalled Ultimate Pose Mixer and reinstalled it and still no luck. It used to work fine... now when I lock any part of the body and apply a pose it ignores the script and poses the figure without regard to the script that was applied. :(

  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited November 2020

    okay, I got it to work again. 

    How i think this happened is I moved my Daz content library and I think this is what caused this problem. 

    How I fixed it, I went into the smart content tab, located Ultimate Pose Mixer and clicked install menu item.

    I ended up with duplicated items and some were not activated. (See figure below)

    So i went into the Daz menu and loaded the default workspace (my workspace of preference) then went back and reinstalled the Pose Mixer menu item and now I am back up and running again.

    The image below is of the duplicated items before I reset the workspace.

    Some items are active and some are not.

    If you do not have the colored dots next to the items you need to reset your workspace and rerun the menu install script.

    Figure 1.jpg
    1000 x 1622 - 594K
    Post edited by RexRed on
  • RexRedRexRed Posts: 1,377
    edited November 2020

    Hope this helps anyone who encounters this same problem. :)

    Post edited by RexRed on
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