How to use a gift card to make a purchase?

There no longer seems to be a spot to enter a gift card number when making a purchase? What's going on? Is this a known problem? Is anyone working on it?

I just gift cards exclusively to make purchases.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    Yes, it's a known problem that the gift card box doesn't appear in cart anymore.

    You can redeem the gift card and use the resulting store credit though.

  • Thank you. How do I do that? I have a few gift cards with various balances on them. Is there a link?

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,491

    Go here:

    I always do a "Check status and balance" before I click redeem, as this is a neat check that I typed the right code in.

    Note that when you do Redeem nothing appears to happen (no message, nothing) - but if you then go to Store Credit from your account page it should appear in the balance at the top (It should also appear in the list below, but for me that's still completely screwy)

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