Odd alias folder

Hi, I'm asking this here because I don't know where else to ask.

I've formatted a disk and copied my whole Daz Library to it, unfortunately, I don't know how but, I've got some kind of weird alias folder for 'Genesis 8 Male' they look identical at first but one has a space after 'Genesis 8 Male'.  On my Mac version, when I synced the two disks, I just deleted the one without the space and removed the space on the remaining folder and now it's all fine. On the Windows folder I can't delete one without the other not working. What's going on?

If nobody can help, then I'll just delete both and sync the two again later but, being new to Windows 10 I'd really like to understand what this weird 'ghost' is all about. 




  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718

    I've tried everything I can think of with this. I opened the disk on my Mac and the extra folder with the space wasn't there. My usual trick on my Mac for deleting a stubborn folder is to make a new folder with the same name then replace the stubborn folder with that new, empty one. That wouldn't work, so, I'm trying to use FreeFileSync to sort it out. Fingers Crossed. A few other weird things happened when I was copying though. I was copying a Daz folder to a brand new drive and I got the message that 'Two items with the same name exist in this location'. I checked what they were and they were duf files, same name but different sizes. It asked me which I wanted to keep so I just clicked on both. That would never happen on a Mac. Moving a folder from one location to another on the same disk goes instantly on Macs but the Windows seems to copy it then delete the original which take a long time if it's a big folder. I think I'm going to have a lot to learn. Still Windows supports Nvidia so my renders are about 40+ times faster. 

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    I had a similar situation moving to a new drive a while ago. Windows usually strips leading and trailing blanks (after any extensions) from file and folder names. There are a few products here (pretty old, though) that have files with a leading space. DIM installed them as is, with the leading space, but if you copy them, the space is removed, even when doing a whole folder. (Normally it wouldn't even be noticed by anyone, except that references to it are broken, and won't show as installed from DIM based on the original file list). I can put the space back from within Studio in the Content Library by renaming with the space. I can also add it back by using Rename at a command prompt and putting the new name with a leading space in quotes, 

    ren "some filename.dat" " some filename.dat"

    Still have to do one at a time, and you have to find them. Re-installing can also put back the original files, but won't remove the defunct ones.

  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718

    Yeah, at first I was blaming a PA until I looked inside the folder and realised it looked like a perfect copy of the one without the space. I used FreeFileSync, it told me at the end that it couldn't delete the folder so I said 'Ignore' and felt really sick until I looked the the People folder and it was gone! Yeah! So FreeFileSync worked. My next line of attack would have been to search for a command line to do it. 



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