merging layouts

AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718

Hi, Me again. New OS, lots of questions. 

I set up all my menus then realized I didn't have a lot of the tools I regularly use like the morphs loader pro on the right and the bone tools... Is there a way I can merge City Limits with the menus I spent ages setting up in a saved layout? Or (how) can I add that top menu and side menu to my saved layout?



side menu.PNG
42 x 506 - 5K
top menu.PNG
672 x 59 - 8K
Post edited by AbnerK on


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    You should be able to save/load just the toolbars or just the menus.

  • Menus or tool bars? You are showing the latter. I think you can save your current layout, load City Limits, then use the Import button in Window>Workspace>Customise to import just the tool bars (or menus) from the saved layout - but it's not something I've tried.

  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718

    Menus or tool bars? You are showing the latter. I think you can save your current layout, load City Limits, then use the Import button in Window>Workspace>Customise to import just the tool bars (or menus) from the saved layout - but it's not something I've tried.

    Thanks, Richard, I consider that the 'manual' method. I did do that though. 

    You should be able to save/load just the toolbars or just the menus.

    Thanks, I'll give that a try. I've done it the manual way now,  but, in the past I've had to do my menus several times so that will be good to now. I know ou can save a menu but, I didn't think you could 'merge two'.

  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718

    You should be able to save/load just the toolbars or just the menus.

    no, you have to select the layout from the menu you can't 'merge' two. You can add the item's you'd customised before but, you have to do it manually from scratch then save the layout. Unless, obviously I've missed something.

  • AbnerKAbnerK Posts: 718

    Menus or tool bars? You are showing the latter. I think you can save your current layout, load City Limits, then use the Import button in Window>Workspace>Customise to import just the tool bars (or menus) from the saved layout - but it's not something I've tried.

    Oh, I see what you mean now. Oh, I'll have to wait until I've finished my render to play with that. I'm scared of it crahsing after 850 itterations. :) Thanks Richard.

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