Can not duplicate M4 or V4 characters
I've built a room which I will populate with several Air Force people. Once I had Michael 4 in place and clothed, I intended to duplicate, change hair/expressions/position and have character number 2. When I select Michael, the edit-duplicate command is grayed out. Thought it might be the scene, so I opened a new doc and placed M4. While he was still selected, the duplicate command is still grayed out. Also tried the same action with V4 with the same results. Also tried characters saved in my objects folder. (those I have duplicated in the past)
I recently built a similar room and had no trouble populating with several different looking characters. I'm having no trouble duplicating complex assemblies, just my characters.
Any help out there?
The rigged characters cannot be duplicated.
You must save them (separately or grouped with others items) in your objects library and reload them in your scene.
you can replicate them creating identical instances that render but are not really there using surface or grid replicator
or you can group them and their clothing and save to object browser then drag another back in which is poseable
Fenric has a tree duplicate plugin that does this without having to save to object browser
I have some characters in My Objects. Must have been how I populated the scene last time. Old... kain't remember much no more. Thanks for your reply. :)
Any way to save the character in the Objects browser with specific scaling and orientation? When I bring in my pilot, he is rotated and comes in at 100% scale. Not the way I saved him.
I can live with that... jist checkin' t' see if'n ya know.
Wendy's right. Fenric's Tree Duplicate in his Posing Pack 3 should do just what you want. It will allow you to duplicate anything that appears in the Scene tab. The resulting duplications are editable and posable. You can morph them, change their shaders, and do whatever else you like. After duplication, they are independent figures.
There are several other very useful plugins in this pack that make it a very good buy. Just sayin'.