Failing to Install DS 4.14 On F Drive

About a week ago I successfully installed Daz Studio and Daz Central on my D Drive, but (I think) I didn't get as far installing DIM as I suddenly realised I didn't have enough room for everything Daz on the D Drive. I therefore uninstalled everything and since then I've bought a 2TB external SSD, but I'm now failing to get anything installed on it except Daz Central.

On site, whether I go to "TECHNOLOGY" or "DOWNLOAD DAZ STUDIO" I'm taken to Daz Central (when what I want is DS 4.14), so I first successfully installed that on the external F Drive (to what's essentially a 'My Daz' folder), but when the next step is to install Daz Studio it doesn't give me the opportunity to input a file path to the F Drive and automatically installs on the C Drive. I'm also baffled that in that process the download pauses and the window comes up which states something like "download will continue after the previous files have been installed" - which is a bit like my saying "I'll next do today what I'll do today after I've done what I did yesterday"! ??? - Question: WHAT previous files? After a bit of fumbling and getting nowhere I clicked that window off and saw another "Install Daz Studio" tab so I clicked on that and found it was already halfway installed and thus it then continued to fully install on the C Drive where I don't want it. But wherever I look in Program Files (or Uninstall in Control Panel) there is no Uninstall option (while there is for Daz Central). So how do I now uninstall Daz Studio from the C Drive?

In Daz Central on the left hand side, if I click on the Daz Studio tab I get on the right side an install DS option, but it states 4:12, not 4:14.

So questions in order:
#1 How do I uninstall Daz Studio 4:14 from my C Drive?
#2 How do I install Daz Studio 4.14 on my F Drive without doing it via Daz Central (and being offered 4:12)?
#3 Less importantly but I'm intrigued by the potential of time travelling: what previous files are referred to in "download will continue after the previous files have been installed"? And why does the auto-download and install of Daz pause halfway through before that comes up? This is clearly not self-explanatory.


  • I now have DIM on my F Drive. But I still can't find a way to uninstall DS 4.14 from my C Drive, nor install it on my F drive without Daz Central butting in.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    Does DIM show Daz Studio as installed?

  • Prince WaoPrince Wao Posts: 373
    edited November 2020

    Does DIM show Daz Studio as installed?

    It didn't. So I went into DIM to install DS on my F Drive (albeit that it's also on my C Drive where I don't want it), but where I was expecting to find one box to input the path to F I found many and I've no clue what each is for. I thought I'd got it to install to the F Drive, but when it had completed I found it had installed to my D Drive using the path I input in DIM last week! So I now have DS on my C and D Drives, but not where I want it on my F Drive (and I don't know how to uninstall from the wrong drives. I can't see deleting each folder doing the job as there's so many of them in various places). Alas, I can't recall how I got it to install to my D Drive last week, plus I thought I'd be able to uninstall it from there, but again I can't recall what I did. In DIM's Basic & Advanced Settings there are so many different paths I don't know one from the other.

    I just uninstalled DS via the DIM, but although the shortcut has now disappeared from my Desktop all the folders in the C & Drives still exist. Is it ok to just manually delete them all?

    In 14 years of using PCs I've never once had to alter a file path as everything I installed went to custom locations, so I've absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I was hoping it would be as simple as getting Daz Connect & DIM onto the F Drive and that would be it, other than downloading all of my content from DIM.

    Post edited by Prince Wao on
  • Prince WaoPrince Wao Posts: 373
    edited November 2020

    I've found forum links to questions about migrating everything DS from one PC to another, but I chose to do a new install of everything to a new drive via the Daz site as I assumed it would be quicker as all of my DS is on a laptop when my new PC is much faster. The only link I've found re this is the one below, but there's not enough step-by-step instruction for me, plus the creation of the Daz Central monster has only complicated things. And now I've complicated my own planned process by first trying to install everything on a new PC, not realising that there isn't enough space on the D Drive as I wanted it separate to the C, then having to buy a 2TB external SSD (F Drive) only to frack myself as I'd already messed up the paths in DIM failing to get it on the D.

    In DIM I now have all of the paths back to the default for C Drive (I've successfully installed 2 small KB only products to my old laptop which is almost out of space); ie: all of these are now C:
    Package Archive
    Thumbnail "
    Manifest "
    Content Database Base
    Content Base Path
    64-bit Software Base
    32-bit "
    Do all of these paths have to be changed in order to install everything on a new PC's F Drive? I would assume so, but this is where I'm in complete confusion as in DIM every path is visually incomplete and ends with "..." So I've absolutely no idea what to change or what to change it to. I was hoping I'd need to change one path as I did with DIM and Daz Central and that would be it, "simples".

    On my F Drive I created the folder "AaaMY Daz Content" (the Aaa so that this folder will always be first in the line). In that is the "DazCentral" folder and the "Program Files" folder in which are DAZ 3D: DAZ3DDIM1 then the array of other folders and files, mostly .dll. But do I need to add any other folder besides my "AaaMY Daz Content"?

    What I need is step by step instructions on how to word the file paths in DIM, first so that I can install Daz Studio in the F Drive, and then so that via DIM I can install all of my Daz content in the new Daz Studio.

    Post edited by Prince Wao on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    The "..." just means that you can click on the path to navigate to a new path.

    The most important ones to change are the "Content Base Path" and the "Package Archive" -- "Content Base Path" is where your content is being installed, and that will be huge.  "Package Archive" is where DIM downloads the .zip files before installing them.  You can set DIM to delete them after installing, but I prefer to move them to an archive drive in case I need to reinstall something and don't want to download it again, or in case a new version breaks something and I want to go back to a previous version.

    If you launch DIM in offline mode (tick the "Work Offline" box when it asks for login) it's easier to change everything at once before you log in.

  • Thanks Fixmypcmike. I think my best bet is to go to Customer Support as I won't be confident of anything unless I know exactly what each path should read, I'll need every one of them directing to the F Drive and also become au fait with what folders are what and where they should be so I know that there's no mistake and there won't be any further time consuming glitches to try to fathom and fix later. As it is I've just discovered an anomaly which is that when I opened DIM all paths are default to C Drive except for the Content Database Base which has reverted to F, but when I click on it I'm taken to a folder on 'This PC', not on the F Drive! When I select Default for all paths that path changes to Content Database Base back to C and clicking on it it takes me to another folder - this probably because since yesterday's mess ups I have DS on both C and D Drives - but after I click Accept (for all Defaults to C Drive), next time I check the list the header's gone back to Current and the Content Database Base has reverted back to the F Drive.

    Firstly I want to get rid of every Daz file off the C and D drives as they'll only lead to future confusions. Yesterday I wrote above, "I just uninstalled DS via the DIM, but although the shortcut has now disappeared from my Desktop all the folders in the C & D Drives still exist. Is it ok to just manually delete them all?" That's what I first need to know as once they've gone I make a clean start.

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